Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0051707POS2Corepublic2023-02-27 15:422023-02-27 15:42
Triage Platform Base 
0051707: using UserAction.DeletePayment (aproval required) with Adyen payment provider doesn't ask the approval before calling Adyen
If a role has the user action access DeletePayment with approval required, the approval pop up should be opened when clicking in the payement method. However, with Adyen provider the call to Adyen is done before the approval and the cancellation in Adyen is done before the approval
Configure a role wit the user acion access DeletePayment with approval required
Configure touchpoint with adyen terminal

Buy a product
Pay by card with Adyen
Remove payment --> The approval pop up should be opened before calling Adyen
The approval pop up should be opened before calling Adyen
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Issue History
2023-02-27 15:42dorian_robillardNew Issue
2023-02-27 15:42dorian_robillardAssigned To => Triage Platform Base
2023-02-27 15:42dorian_robillardTriggers an Emergency Pack => No

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