Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0051641Openbravo ERP02. Master data managementpublic2023-02-17 11:092025-02-02 10:03
closedunable to reproduce 
0051641: [23Q1] Configuration errors while adding gift vouchers
While adding a new product into the backoffice, the "Gift Card Type" dropdown selector has two options: "Gift card" and "Gift voucher". when selecting the "Gift card" option, a checkbox called "Gift card as payment method" appears. This checkbox is checked by default and affects the product even when the "Gift voucher" option is selected on the dropdown. A Gift voucher can't be created while this checkbox is checked, but said checkbox is not shown by display logic.
Login to ERP system using below details:

"Username": Openbravo
"Password": openbravo
Then change the role to “The White Valley Group Admin” role

Navigate to Products window and click Ctrl + D to create new record

Then enter the below details

Organization: Vall Blanca Store
Search Key: GC/002
Name: Gift voucher 1
UOM: Unit
Product Category: Backpacks & Travel
Tax Category: Exento
Purchase: Unchecked
Sales: Checked
Stocked: Unchecked
In POS properties (section)

Is Scale: Unchecked
Grouped Product: Unchecked
Show stock screen: Unchecked
Gift Card Type: Gift Voucher
Deferred Revenue: Unchecked
Either uncheck the checkbox by default or show it while the "Gift voucher" option is selected on the "Gift card type" dropdown
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Issue History
2023-02-17 11:09xabier_eguesNew Issue
2023-02-17 11:09xabier_eguesAssigned To => Triage Omni OMS
2023-02-17 11:09xabier_eguesModules => Core
2023-02-17 11:09xabier_eguesTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2023-02-17 12:05aferrazAssigned ToTriage Omni OMS => Retail
2023-02-21 10:36xabier_eguesSummaryConfiguration errors while adding gift vouchers => [23Q1]Configuration errors while adding gift vouchers
2023-02-21 10:37xabier_eguesSummary[23Q1]Configuration errors while adding gift vouchers => [23Q1] Configuration errors while adding gift vouchers
2023-02-23 13:24xabier_eguesTypedesign defect => defect
2025-02-02 10:03marvintmStatusnew => closed
2025-02-02 10:03marvintmResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

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