Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0005111Openbravo ERP03. Procurement managementpublic2008-09-19 07:212008-09-23 10:24
closedunable to reproduce 
20Ubuntu 8.04
0005111: Oracle error after completing a purchase invoice
When creating a purchase invoice, everything goes well but after clicking the complete button, I get an error message:
Error: ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called

This is the log entry:

23:04:02 [http-8180-Processor22] ERROR org.openbravo.base.VariablesBase - clearSession error java.util.ConcurrentModificationException

Procurement Management ( [^])

3. Create Purchase Invoice
    * Steps:
          o Login as userA
          o Go to Procurement management->Transactions->Purchase invoice
          o Click New and select Transaction Document= AP Invoice
          o Select the business partner VENDOR A
          o Click on button 'Create lines from' and verify:
                + Business partner: VENDOR A
          o Select the good receipt and click OK
          o Go to Header and click Complete

You will need to execute previous scenarios in order to have the required data.
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Issue History
2008-09-19 07:21elopioNew Issue
2008-09-19 07:21elopioAssigned To => cromero
2008-09-19 07:21elopiosf_bug_id0 => 2118782
2008-09-19 07:31elopioNote Added: 0009089
2008-09-19 09:09cromeroStatusnew => scheduled
2008-09-19 09:09cromerofix_in_branch => trunk
2008-09-19 10:31cromeroNote Added: 0009090
2008-09-22 18:07cromeroStatusscheduled => feedback
2008-09-22 18:08cromeroRelationship deleteddepends on 0005112
2008-09-23 10:24plujanRegression testing => No
2008-09-23 10:24plujanStatusfeedback => closed
2008-09-23 10:24plujanNote Added: 0009143
2008-09-23 10:24plujanResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

2008-09-19 07:31   
The same happens when trying to create a sales invoice
( [^] - 3. Create Sales invoice
2008-09-19 10:31   
I have tested this bug and I have not been able to reproduce it.
I have not used the test data, so maybe there is the problem.
2008-09-23 10:24   
Tried on a different computer and it works