Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo Localizations
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0050929Openbravo LocalizationsLocalization Portugalpublic2022-11-17 07:042022-11-17 13:07
30Openbravo Appliance 14.04
0050929: ATCUD information is not being printed in the document in case of reprint 20Q3
ATCUD information is not being printed in the document in case of reprint
Create a simplified invoice for an anonymous customer. Complete and pay it. Verify that the ATCUD information is printed in the ticket (fatura simplificada).
Open that sale, and click on the option "Print Receipt" so it is reprint.
Verify that the ATCUD information is not printed.

Same error with the rest of documents Full Invoice and Return Sales (Nota de Crédito).
ATCUD information must be included (original) one if a document is reprint (duplicado).
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related to defect 0050920 closed jetxarri ATCUD information is not being printed in the document in case of reprint 
related to feature request 0050327 closed psanjuan Series "Validation Code" configuration for ATCUD PT 
Issue History
2022-11-17 07:04jetxarriNew Issue
2022-11-17 07:04jetxarriAssigned To => jetxarri
2022-11-17 07:04jetxarriIssue generated from0050920
2022-11-17 07:04jetxarriRelationship addedrelated to 0050920
2022-11-17 07:07hgbotNote Added: 0143759
2022-11-17 12:35hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2022-11-17 12:35hgbotStatusnew => closed
2022-11-17 12:35hgbotNote Added: 0143783
2022-11-17 12:35hgbotNote Added: 0143784
2022-11-17 13:07jetxarriRelationship addedrelated to 0050327

2022-11-17 07:07   
Merge Request created: [^]
2022-11-17 12:35   
Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 5e07bec6befd16f4e2d9a4a9fbc1c212929c9975
Author: Javier Etxarri <>
Date: 17-11-2022 07:06:56
URL: [^]

Fixes ISSUE-50929: ATCUD information is not being printed in the document in case of reprint 20Q3

M src/com/practicsbs/saftpt/retail/master/
2022-11-17 12:35   
Merge request merged: [^]