Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
View Issue Details
0050606Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2022-10-21 18:252022-10-31 11:48
0050606: Jsoninfo column size in Error While Importing window should be increased to 40M
Some customers are already making such large sales that it generates very large Jsons from the Web POS.

So it will be necessary, for the columns "jsoninfo" and "error", in Error While Importing window, should be increased to 10M (the same that column that jsoninfo in Data Import Entry)

Now, one record could be stored in Data Import Entry window, but when the system tries to save it in Errors While Importing window, error will happen and the record will be stuck in Initial status in Data Import Entry, and never will be processed
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duplicate of defect 0048500RR20Q3.4 closed rqueralta The json generated from order loader to give import entry is too big 
related to defect 0040609 closed rqueralta jsoninfo column size in Error While Importing window should be increased to 10M 
related to defect 0040608 closed ranjith_qualiantech_com Product properties should not be included in the json sent to OrderLoader 
Issue History
2022-10-21 18:25axelmercadoNew Issue
2022-10-21 18:25axelmercadoAssigned To => Retail
2022-10-21 18:25axelmercadoTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2022-10-21 18:26axelmercadoRelationship addedrelated to 0040609
2022-10-21 18:27axelmercadoRelationship addedrelated to 0040608
2022-10-31 07:14ranjith_qualiantech_comAssigned ToRetail => ranjith_qualiantech_com
2022-10-31 07:18ranjith_qualiantech_comRelationship addedduplicate of 0048500
2022-10-31 11:48marvintmReview Assigned To => marvintm
2022-10-31 11:48marvintmNote Added: 0142753
2022-10-31 11:48marvintmStatusnew => closed
2022-10-31 11:48marvintmResolutionopen => duplicate

2022-10-31 11:48   
As part of issue 48500, the length of jsoninfo column in Errors While Importing table was already extended to 1000000000, which is the current length of the corresponding column in Import Entry table.