Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0004959Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2008-09-09 17:262008-12-06 17:17
closedout of date 
0004959: ant install.source tries to delete role under postgresql
When building Openbravo from sources under PostgreSQL, the ant task 'install.sources' tries to delete the role chosen in the configuration if it already exists (and fails if it owns any object).

It does make sense under Oracle not to allow to install Openbravo with an existing database user, as Oracle unifies the concept of context/database with the concept of user.

But in PostgreSQL a role (user) can own several databases. The installer should complain when trying to install Openbravo with the same database name, but not when trying to install Openbravo with the same role.
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blocks defect 0002712 closed marvintm ant install.source tries to delete role under postgresql 
Issue History
2008-09-09 17:26anonymousNew Issue
2008-09-09 17:26anonymousAssigned To => jpabloae
2008-09-09 17:26anonymousStatusnew => scheduled
2008-09-09 17:26anonymousFixed in Version => 2.40
2008-09-09 17:26anonymousfix_in_branch => 2.40
2008-12-06 17:17jpabloaeRegression testing => No
2008-12-06 17:17jpabloaeStatusscheduled => closed
2008-12-06 17:17jpabloaeNote Added: 0011016
2008-12-06 17:17jpabloaeResolutionopen => out of date

2008-12-06 17:17   
This will be fixed in trunk (0002712), but in the 2.40 maintenance branch.