Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0048925POS2POSpublic2022-03-29 16:392022-06-17 10:57
0048925: [KeyMap Editor] Deleted product/category links cannot be restored
Deleted Product/Category links cannot be restored with the same Product/Category as it does not appear in the list "Products/Categories to be added".
It is necessary to reload the page to do so.
- Click "Store" icon in the lateral bar (5th button)
- Click "Keymap Editor"
- Click "View versions" for Main App Keymap line
- Click "View categories" button
- Click "View Products" for "Lightning & Electronics" category
- Click "Link Prod. Category" button
- Click "Search" field and type "Ski"
- Select the option "Ski"
- Click "Add"
- In "Link Product Category" field will appear "Ski", delete "Ski" category
- Click again "Link Prod. Category" button
- Search for "Ski" Category, it will not appear
If a previously linked product/category is deleted, the user must be able to link it again through "Add Product/Category to Link" button.
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related to defect 0048652 closed ablasco Product Categories list doesn't update if exists deleted ones in Keymap Editor 
png AddCategoryLink_Error.png (54,023) 2022-03-29 16:39
Issue History
2022-03-29 16:39andre_montenegroNew Issue
2022-03-29 16:39andre_montenegroAssigned To => Retail
2022-03-29 16:39andre_montenegroFile Added: AddCategoryLink_Error.png
2022-03-29 16:39andre_montenegroTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2022-04-04 09:57andre_montenegroRelationship addedrelated to 0048652
2022-06-17 10:56andre_montenegroAssigned ToRetail => andre_montenegro
2022-06-17 10:56andre_montenegroStatusnew => scheduled
2022-06-17 10:56andre_montenegroResolutionopen => fixed
2022-06-17 10:57andre_montenegroStatusscheduled => resolved
2022-06-17 10:57andre_montenegroStatusresolved => closed

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