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0047798Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2021-10-01 17:202022-02-01 07:24
Triage Platform Base 
0047798: Tab --> Remove Function weird behavior
Discovered in the Modify Payment Plan feature.

There is a Remove Function defined into the tab (OB.APRM.deleteRow).
There is a Validation Function defined into one of the fields (Outstanding --> OB.APRM.validateModifyPaymentPlanAmounts)

When I delete any of the records in the grid, the validation function is automatically launched for the rest of the records available into the grid.

I think running this validation always makes no sense and instead the Remove Function should manually launch that validation if needed.

For the Modify Payment Plan feature the current behavior is not a problem, but the opposite as we need to run this validation. However, thinking in general the current behavior is weird.

If changed, this should be reported as an API Change and provide a generic tool to implement the current behavior.
As System Admin.
Go to Window, Tabs and Fields. Search for Sales Invoice window.
Select Payment Plan tab.
Search for the Modify Payment Plan field which is hidden.
Set Displayed = Y

Change role to F&B group admin
Go to Payment Term window.
Create a header for * org
 - Overdue Payment Days Rule : 100
Create the following lines:
 - Percentage due: 25, Overdue Payment Days Rule: 10
 - Percentage due: 35, Overdue Payment Days Rule: 15
 - Percentage due: 20, Overdue Payment Days Rule: 90

Go to Sales Invoice window and create a new record. Select the above payment term in the header.
Enter any line with some amount.
Complete the invoice.

Go to Payment Plan tab and select any record.
Press Modify Payment Plan button.
A grid is opened with several lines.
Set a break point over the OB.APRM.validateModifyPaymentPlanAmounts function
Delete any of the lines.
Check that the OB.APRM.validateModifyPaymentPlanAmounts function is executed for the rest of the records available in the grid
By default the validation should be executed for the affected record, not for the records in the grid. If the record is removed, then no validation should take place.

By careful if implementing this behavior as it is an API Change. Provide an easy mechanism to implement the existing behavior.
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related to defect 0047799 new Triage Platform Base Tab --> Add Function different problems with the new record created 
blocks defect 0047707 closed vmromanos Wrong amount when adding a new line in the payment plan modification 
Issue History
2021-10-01 17:20vmromanosNew Issue
2021-10-01 17:20vmromanosAssigned To => platform
2021-10-01 17:20vmromanosModules => Core
2021-10-01 17:20vmromanosTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2021-10-01 17:52vmromanosIssue cloned0047799
2021-10-01 17:52vmromanosRelationship addedrelated to 0047799
2021-10-01 18:20vmromanosRelationship addedblocks 0047707
2022-02-01 07:24alostaleAssigned Toplatform => Triage Platform Base

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