Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
View Issue Details
0047743POS2POSpublic2021-09-23 09:092023-04-25 13:11
0047743: Products with Product Modifiers feature enabled are always being added into a new line
Products defined in the ERP could be defined with Product Modifiers.

Independently of the final selected modifiers when adding the product, the product is always added into a new line in the ticket
Have installed these modules:

1) Login in the POS application in VBS-1 terminal and vallblanca user
2) Change schema to "Restaurant"
3) Navigate to Main Couse category
4) Add a Cheeseburger product
  4.1) Select "Now" as Starting Coocking Time and click Next
  4.2) Select "Blue" as Meat Temperature and click Finish
5) Verify the product is correctly configured in the ticket (only shown blue text"
6) Add a second Cheeseburger and select the same modifiers as step 4
7) Verify the second Cheeseburger is and a different line even if the configuration is the same (this is worng)
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related to defect 0051678 closed Retail Products with different modifiers can be grouped in the ticket when they should not 
Issue History
2021-09-23 09:09jorge-garciaNew Issue
2021-09-23 09:09jorge-garciaAssigned To => Retail
2021-09-23 09:09jorge-garciaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2021-09-24 11:10cbernerNote Added: 0131998
2021-09-24 11:10cbernerTypedefect => feature request
2021-10-11 12:48guilleaerStatusnew => acknowledged
2023-04-25 13:11asier_perezRelationship addedrelated to 0051678

2021-09-24 11:10   
After commenting this with Guillermo and David, we found out it is something we had postponed as part of Product configuration infrastructure. For that reason it has been marked as a Feature Request and a project has been created to handle this change.

For more information, check this document: [^]