Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0004748Openbravo ERP07. Sales managementpublic2008-08-28 18:202011-12-21 20:15
normalminorhave not tried
0004748: Improving RMA management
When completing a sales order of type "Return material", its status remains at "Under way" and never reaches the "Completed" status.
1.- Go to Sales Management > Transactions > Sales Order
2.- Create a new sales order of type "Return material"
3.- Complete the sales order created before
4.- Check that its status is "Under way" instead of "completed"
ModuleCandidate, ReleaseCandidate
has duplicate defect 0007266 closed AinhoaPagola Not able to complete the Sales order with document type as 'Return material' 
Issue History
2008-08-28 18:20jtarbalNew Issue
2008-08-28 18:20jtarbalAssigned To => cromero
2008-08-28 18:20jtarbalsf_bug_id0 => 2080783
2008-09-01 10:37psarobePrioritynormal => low
2008-09-01 10:37psarobeSeveritymajor => minor
2008-09-01 10:38psarobeNote Added: 0008799
2008-09-01 10:38psarobeStatusnew => feedback
2008-09-01 10:43jtarbalNote Added: 0008801
2008-09-08 10:56psarobeNote Added: 0008912
2008-09-08 10:56psarobeIssue Monitored: psarobe
2008-09-08 11:48jtarbalNote Added: 0008917
2008-09-08 12:09psarobeNote Added: 0008918
2008-10-13 10:24psarobeTypedefect => feature request
2008-11-10 13:09cromeroAssigned Tocromero => pjuvara
2008-11-16 19:03pjuvaraStatusfeedback => new
2008-11-16 19:03pjuvaraTag Attached: ReleaseCandidate
2008-11-16 19:03pjuvaraPrioritylow => normal
2008-11-16 19:03pjuvaraStatusnew => acknowledged
2008-11-16 19:03pjuvaraProjectionnone => minor fix
2008-11-16 19:03pjuvaraSummarySales orders of type "Return material" does not reach the "completed" status => Improving RMA management
2008-11-22 23:39pjuvaraTag Attached: ModuleCandidate
2009-02-18 13:11jtarbalNote Added: 0013644
2009-04-27 13:58AinhoaPagolaRelationship addedhas duplicate 0007266
2009-09-15 16:04itanackovicIssue Monitored: itanackovic
2011-02-04 09:15jpabloaeAssigned Topjuvara => rmorley
2011-12-21 20:13dmitry_mezentsevStatusacknowledged => scheduled
2011-12-21 20:13dmitry_mezentsevAssigned Tormorley => psarobe
2011-12-21 20:13dmitry_mezentsevfix_in_branch => pi
2011-12-21 20:15dmitry_mezentsevNote Added: 0043987
2011-12-21 20:15dmitry_mezentsevStatusscheduled => resolved
2011-12-21 20:15dmitry_mezentsevFixed in Version => 3.0MP6
2011-12-21 20:15dmitry_mezentsevFixed in SCM revision => 1
2011-12-21 20:15dmitry_mezentsevResolutionopen => fixed
2011-12-21 20:15dmitry_mezentsevStatusresolved => closed

2008-09-01 10:38   
We need to think if this is something that is not implemented or needs a further development
2008-09-01 10:43   
In my opinion it should be part of the standard product, as it is very common to have to treat this kind of sales orders.
2008-09-08 10:56   
We are agree with you. But the question is if it is not implemented or needs a further development. In my opinion needs a further development. What do you think if we change it to Feature request?
2008-09-08 11:48   
As long as it is solved, for me it is OK.
2008-09-08 12:09   
I mean, just to change to status in order of having the Sales Order as complete it is very easy but we also should think that the PL should do if you want to reactive if it applies. When I say that might be need a further development I was considering these kind of things
2009-02-18 13:11   
Please consider the following logic.

1.- When a Sales Order document of type "Return Material" is completed, its status should change from "Draft" to "Complete".

2.- The Goods Shipment document type related to the "Return Material" sales order document type, should be one document that increases the warehouse stock when the quantities in its lines have positive values.
When creating a "Goods Shipment" from a Sales Order document of type "Return material" through the "Create shipments from orders" form or the "Generate shipments" process, the document type for the "Goods Shipment" explained before should be used.
When adding new lines in a "Goods Shipment" through the button "Create lines from" and from a Sales Order document of type "Return material", if the document type of the "Goods Shipment" is the standard one, the quantities in the lines should have negative values. If the document type of the "Goods Shipment" is the one explained above, the quantities in the lines should have positive values.

3.- The Sales Invoice document type related to the "Return Material" sales order document type, should be one document that generates an accounting entry like the one generated for a Purchase Invoice (AP Invoice) when the amounts in its lines have positive values.
When creating a "Sales Invoice" from a Sales Order document of type "Return material" through the "Create invoices from orders" form or the "Generate invoices" process, the document type for the "Sales Invoice" explained before should be used.
When adding new lines in a "Sales Invoice" through the button "Create lines from" and from a Sales Order document of type "Return material", if the document type of the "Sales Invoice" is the standard one, the quantities in the lines should have negative values. If the document type of the "Sales Invoice" is the one explained above, the quantities in the lines should have positive values.
2011-12-21 20:15 [^]