Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0047380Openbravo ERP01. General setuppublic2021-07-13 10:112021-07-13 11:36
Triage Omni OMS 
0047380: Copy Retail Store doesn't copy the field 'Channel - Touchpoint || Blockchain Initialized'
Note: the following modules must be installed:

When new touchpoints will be created through the process Copy Retail Store, if the Legal entity of the store has the field 'Initialize Blockchain in New POS Touchpoints'=Yes, the new touchpoints must be created with the field 'Blockchain Initialized'=Yes. Now, they are created with 'Blockchain Initialized'=No.

It is not working properly when a new store is created with or without excel.
Note: the following modules must be installed:

1. Through the process 'Copy Retail Store', create a new store that belongs to a legal entity defined as Initialize Blockchain in New POS Touchpoints'=Yes. Check that the new touchpoints for the new store are created as 'Blockchain Initialized'=No. They must be created as 'Blockchain Initialized'=Yes.
related to defect 0045015 closed vmromanos Openbravo Localizations Copy Store not working with Frenc Certification 
Issue History
2021-07-13 10:11avicenteNew Issue
2021-07-13 10:11avicenteAssigned To => Triage Finance
2021-07-13 10:11avicenteModules => Core
2021-07-13 10:11avicenteResolution time => 1627682400
2021-07-13 10:11avicenteTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2021-07-13 10:12avicenteTag Attached: NOR
2021-07-13 10:13avicenteNote Added: 0130402
2021-07-13 11:16rafarodaIssue Monitored: rafaroda
2021-07-13 11:35dmiguelezRelationship addedrelated to 0045015
2021-07-13 11:36dmiguelezResolution time1627682400 =>
2021-07-13 11:36dmiguelezNote Added: 0130407
2021-07-13 11:36dmiguelezTypedefect => design defect

2021-07-13 10:13   
Project developer comment: "After reviewing this issue with Product Team, I have come to the conclusion that the Ticket Initialization(blockchain) process can not be integrated in the CopyStore process, at least not in a way that doesn’t affect the CopyStore’s flow itself.
The main reason is that the logic that determines whether a new terminal is set in the blockchain or not, is run in a database trigger. So, every time a new terminal record is inserted in the database, the blockchain logic runs, but at that moment, since the CopyStore hasn’t persisted yet the newly generated data, the blockchain logic fails (the new store/organization still doesn’t exist in database)."
2021-07-13 11:36   
As explained by the developer there is no obvious solution for this problem, so it is updated as a design defect to be managed accordingly (resolution date removed like for any other design defect not analyzed yet)