Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0004596Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2008-08-07 23:432009-05-22 19:34
0004596: Batch compilation for windows and tabs
Every time I perform a change in a window I have to go to the command line to perform the ant compilation task.
For instance: sudo ant compile.complete -Dtab="Sales Order"

This is takes some time and makes the development process harder.
The idea is to include a button called "Add to Compilation Queue" in each tab in the window "Windows, tabs and fields". When the tab is in the queue waiting to be processed, the button should be changed by "Remove from Compilation Queue". Once it is processed button name will be restore to the previous name.

On the other hand, we should be able to manage the Compilation Queue and process all the request at once.

The goal is to manage pending publication changes in a administration window, without going to command line.
Issue History
2008-08-07 23:43alfredo924New Issue
2008-08-07 23:43alfredo924Assigned To => cromero
2008-08-07 23:43alfredo924sf_bug_id0 => 2042214
2008-11-10 13:10cromeroAssigned Tocromero => pjuvara
2008-11-16 18:33pjuvaraStatusnew => acknowledged
2008-11-16 18:33pjuvaraTag Attached: ReleaseCandidate
2008-11-16 18:34pjuvaraProjectionnone => @40@
2008-11-16 18:34pjuvaraCategory00. Application dictionary => A. Platform
2009-05-22 19:34pjuvaraAssigned Topjuvara => iciordia

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