Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo Localizations
View Issue Details
0045755Openbravo LocalizationsLocalization Francepublic2021-01-19 15:272021-08-10 09:34
30Openbravo Appliance 14.04
0045755: New taxes required set as Tax Exempt=Yes
New taxes required set as Tax Exempt=Yes
Create a BP and set it as Tax Exempt = Yes
Make a sales for it, for a product related with a Non-Exempt tax category (ie. TVA Normale)
Realize that a normal VAT Rate is shown in the order/sale.
It is required to create below listed new taxes related to each existing FR tax category (but Exonere), set up as Tax Exempt.

TVA Normale Exonérée - Tax Category = TVA Normale - Rate 0,00 - Tax Exempt = Yes
TVA Réduite Exonérée- Tax Category = TVA Réduite - Rate 0,00 - Tax Exempt = Yes
TVA Intermédiaire Exonérée - Tax Category = TVA Intermédiaire - Rate 0,00 - Tax Exempt = Yes
TVA particulière Exonérée- Tax Category = TVA particulière - Rate 0,00 - Tax Exempt = Yes

1 ) Exonéré (existing) BCF698789D4F4F7DB82850F32B0E133D

UPDATE public.c_tax
SET ad_client_id='757D621ABD1948F5BCBAD91F19BB70AC', ad_org_id='0', isactive='Y', created='2019-11-07 12:42:24.412', createdby='100', updated=NOW(), "name"='Exonéré', updatedby='100', description='Exonéré', taxindicator=NULL, validfrom='2000-01-01 00:00:00.000', issummary='N', rate=0.0, parent_tax_id=NULL, c_country_id='102', c_region_id=NULL, to_country_id='102', to_region_id=NULL, c_taxcategory_id='65B3F8E34D32434DABC8D1E30B9F207E', isdefault='N', istaxexempt='Y', sopotype='B', "cascade"='N', c_bp_taxcategory_id=NULL, line=10, iswithholdingtax='N', isnotaxable='N', deducpercent=NULL, originalrate=NULL, istaxundeductable='N', istaxdeductable='N', isnovat='N', baseamount='LNA', c_taxbase_id=NULL, doctaxamount='D', iscashvat='N', em_obspti_declaration=NULL, em_obspti_isreversecharge='N', em_obspti_isequivalentcharge='N', em_obspti_isintracommunity='N', em_obspti_islease='N', em_obspti_isrealestate='N', em_obspti_reagyp='N', em_obspti_isrebu='N', em_obspti_isexport='N', em_obspti_isimplicitcharge='N'
WHERE c_tax_id='BCF698789D4F4F7DB82850F32B0E133D';

2 ) TVA Particulière Exonérée (NEW) B9AA30028EA14F778B3440F20BFF8692

INSERT INTO public.c_tax
(c_tax_id, ad_client_id, ad_org_id, isactive, created, createdby, updated, "name", updatedby, description, taxindicator, validfrom, issummary, rate, parent_tax_id, c_country_id, c_region_id, to_country_id, to_region_id, c_taxcategory_id, isdefault, istaxexempt, sopotype, "cascade", c_bp_taxcategory_id, line, iswithholdingtax, isnotaxable, deducpercent, originalrate, istaxundeductable, istaxdeductable, isnovat, baseamount, c_taxbase_id, doctaxamount, iscashvat, em_obspti_declaration, em_obspti_isreversecharge, em_obspti_isequivalentcharge, em_obspti_isintracommunity, em_obspti_islease, em_obspti_isrealestate, em_obspti_reagyp, em_obspti_isrebu, em_obspti_isexport, em_obspti_isimplicitcharge)
VALUES('B9AA30028EA14F778B3440F20BFF8692', '757D621ABD1948F5BCBAD91F19BB70AC', '0', 'Y', now(), '100', now(), 'TVA Particulière Exonérée', '100', 'TVA Particulière Exonérée', NULL, '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000', 'N', 0, NULL, '102', NULL, '102', NULL, 'F690417589B44D93A7A3BF92CF88148C', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'N', NULL, 10, 'N', 'N', NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'LNA', NULL, 'D', 'N', NULL, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N');

3 ) TVA Intermédiaire Exonérée (NEW) E6884050472F4E9C82D4E90144996448

INSERT INTO public.c_tax
(c_tax_id, ad_client_id, ad_org_id, isactive, created, createdby, updated, "name", updatedby, description, taxindicator, validfrom, issummary, rate, parent_tax_id, c_country_id, c_region_id, to_country_id, to_region_id, c_taxcategory_id, isdefault, istaxexempt, sopotype, "cascade", c_bp_taxcategory_id, line, iswithholdingtax, isnotaxable, deducpercent, originalrate, istaxundeductable, istaxdeductable, isnovat, baseamount, c_taxbase_id, doctaxamount, iscashvat, em_obspti_declaration, em_obspti_isreversecharge, em_obspti_isequivalentcharge, em_obspti_isintracommunity, em_obspti_islease, em_obspti_isrealestate, em_obspti_reagyp, em_obspti_isrebu, em_obspti_isexport, em_obspti_isimplicitcharge)
VALUES('E6884050472F4E9C82D4E90144996448', '757D621ABD1948F5BCBAD91F19BB70AC', '0', 'Y', now(), '100', now(), 'TVA Intermédiaire Exonérée', '100', 'TVA Intermédiaire Exonérée', NULL, '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000', 'N', 0, NULL, '102', NULL, '102', NULL, '3DDBD769E0B14E54B8A55A54CA50C142', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'N', NULL, 10, 'N', 'N', NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'LNA', NULL, 'D', 'N', NULL, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N');

4 ) TVA Réduite Exonérée (NEW) 47F6AF08EC0B4C8FB77E2CF724D79E1E

INSERT INTO public.c_tax
(c_tax_id, ad_client_id, ad_org_id, isactive, created, createdby, updated, "name", updatedby, description, taxindicator, validfrom, issummary, rate, parent_tax_id, c_country_id, c_region_id, to_country_id, to_region_id, c_taxcategory_id, isdefault, istaxexempt, sopotype, "cascade", c_bp_taxcategory_id, line, iswithholdingtax, isnotaxable, deducpercent, originalrate, istaxundeductable, istaxdeductable, isnovat, baseamount, c_taxbase_id, doctaxamount, iscashvat, em_obspti_declaration, em_obspti_isreversecharge, em_obspti_isequivalentcharge, em_obspti_isintracommunity, em_obspti_islease, em_obspti_isrealestate, em_obspti_reagyp, em_obspti_isrebu, em_obspti_isexport, em_obspti_isimplicitcharge)
VALUES('47F6AF08EC0B4C8FB77E2CF724D79E1E', '757D621ABD1948F5BCBAD91F19BB70AC', '0', 'Y', now(), '100', now(), 'TVA Réduite Exonérée', '100', 'TVA Réduite Exonérée', NULL, '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000', 'N', 0, NULL, '102', NULL, '102', NULL, '238F9E5D5FD142C2BB0E53A33E885656', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'N', NULL, 10, 'N', 'N', NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'LNA', NULL, 'D', 'N', NULL, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N');

5 ) TVA Normale Exonérée (NEW) 57C3B025A5524E40B4C7120B55CC4B9C

INSERT INTO public.c_tax
(c_tax_id, ad_client_id, ad_org_id, isactive, created, createdby, updated, "name", updatedby, description, taxindicator, validfrom, issummary, rate, parent_tax_id, c_country_id, c_region_id, to_country_id, to_region_id, c_taxcategory_id, isdefault, istaxexempt, sopotype, "cascade", c_bp_taxcategory_id, line, iswithholdingtax, isnotaxable, deducpercent, originalrate, istaxundeductable, istaxdeductable, isnovat, baseamount, c_taxbase_id, doctaxamount, iscashvat, em_obspti_declaration, em_obspti_isreversecharge, em_obspti_isequivalentcharge, em_obspti_isintracommunity, em_obspti_islease, em_obspti_isrealestate, em_obspti_reagyp, em_obspti_isrebu, em_obspti_isexport, em_obspti_isimplicitcharge)
VALUES('57C3B025A5524E40B4C7120B55CC4B9C', '757D621ABD1948F5BCBAD91F19BB70AC', '0', 'Y', now(), '100', now(), 'TVA Normale Exonérée', '100', 'TVA Normale Exonérée', NULL, '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000', 'N', 0, NULL, '102', NULL, '102', NULL, '4F825B307C554B7BB97642E6317C8B9B', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'N', NULL, 10, 'N', 'N', NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'LNA', NULL, 'D', 'N', NULL, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N');

All of them set as Sales Taxes, with France - France (Metropolitan Regions) configuration

IDs will be provided.
related to defect 0045643 closed ranjith_qualiantech_com Retail Modules Tax exempt usage is not applying in Tax Engine 
related to defect 0045642 closed ranjith_qualiantech_com Retail Modules Deactivation of tax rates does not have effect in web POS 
related to feature request 0046314 closed jetxarri Retail Modules Net Prices must be used if a sale is created for an exempt BP for products having a price list including taxes. 
related to defect 0046791 closed ranjith_qualiantech_com Retail Modules Tax can not be found 
related to defect 0047281 closed vmromanos Openbravo Localizations Some Exempt tax rates are not configured properly 
related to defect 0047264 closed Triage Omni OMS Modules Configuration of 'Region' and 'Destination Region' in the 'Tax rate' header does not work, for instance 8.5 DOM-TOM 
related to defect 0047419 closed igor_trebol Openbravo Localizations Wrong tax calculation for sales to not exempt customers from a Store located in Guadeloupe to a customer located in Guadeloupe 
related to defect 0048821 closed aferraz Openbravo Localizations [Portugal] There are missing Tax Rate configuration for Tax Exempt Customer 
related to defect 0048871 new psanjuan Openbravo Localizations Spain fiscal module does not include tax rates for "tax exempt" customers 
png Screenshot from 2021-01-19 15-23-09.png (57,110) 2021-01-19 15:43
Issue History
2021-01-19 15:27psanjuanNew Issue
2021-01-19 15:42rafarodaIssue Monitored: rafaroda
2021-01-19 15:42rafarodaTag Attached: NOR
2021-01-19 15:43rafarodaProposed Solution updated
2021-01-19 15:43rafarodaFile Added: Screenshot from 2021-01-19 15-23-09.png
2021-01-19 15:44rafarodaRelationship addedrelated to 0045643
2021-01-19 15:44rafarodaNote Added: 0125641
2021-01-19 15:44rafarodaRelationship addedrelated to 0045642
2021-02-04 10:06psanjuanNote Added: 0125974
2021-02-04 10:06psanjuanNote Edited: 0125974bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0125974#r22103
2021-02-04 10:09psanjuanNote Edited: 0125974bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0125974#r22104
2021-02-04 16:50psanjuanNote Edited: 0125974bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0125974#r22105
2021-03-17 11:47psanjuanAssigned To => psanjuan
2021-04-21 12:59psanjuanRelationship addedrelated to 0046314
2021-05-28 12:49rafarodaRelationship addedrelated to 0046791
2021-06-29 15:31rafarodaRelationship addedrelated to 0047281
2021-06-30 17:43vmromanosStatusnew => scheduled
2021-06-30 17:43vmromanosAssigned Topsanjuan => vmromanos
2021-06-30 17:54hgbotNote Added: 0130034
2021-07-13 12:55rafarodaRelationship addedrelated to 0047264
2021-07-13 16:52psanjuanNote Added: 0130423
2021-07-20 18:47psanjuanNote Edited: 0130423bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0130423#r22905
2021-07-20 22:37rafarodaRelationship addedrelated to 0047419
2021-08-10 09:24hgbotNote Added: 0131045
2021-08-10 09:24hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2021-08-10 09:24hgbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2021-08-10 09:24hgbotNote Added: 0131046
2021-08-10 09:24hgbotNote Added: 0131047
2021-08-10 09:34vmromanosStatusresolved => closed
2022-03-17 17:27rafarodaRelationship addedrelated to 0048821
2022-03-23 16:31rafarodaRelationship addedrelated to 0048871

2021-01-19 15:44   
See related 0045643
2021-02-04 10:06   
(edited on: 2021-02-04 16:50)
This "tax exempt" taxes configuration needs to be implemented together with a new feature that allows to recalculate "tax base amount", in case of price list including taxes.

As an example:

The store has configured a price list including taxes. The price of a given product is 121.00€

That product is related to a Normal VAT Tax Group which implies a 21% sales tax rate.

If this product is sold to a "normal" customer, the price of that product is 121.00€, and the system will calculate back a tax base amount of 100.00

But, let us imagine a BP configured as Tax Exempt.

If the same product is sold to this customer, the same price list will be applied, but the tax rate selected will be the one described above "TVA Normale Exonérée".

Currently, the sale price for this customer will be the same 121.00; but that is wrong as it should be just the tax base amount, because that price is including taxes.

A new FR entry needs to be created for this.

2021-06-30 17:54   
Merge Request created: [^]
2021-07-13 16:52   
(edited on: 2021-07-20 18:47)
Verified without regions and working.

Test Plan executed:

Apply taxes for France to a Legal Entity (The White Valley Franchise) located in France, region Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes.
Select the product "Balaclava Cap" and relate it to the Tax Category TVA Normale, configured also with "Home Delivery" delivery mode.

Test 1
Sale from Organization located in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes to a BP exempt located in region Occitanie
Tax rate= TVA Normale Exonérée

Test 2
Sale from Organization located in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes to a BP NOT exempt located in region Occitanie
Tax rate= TVA 20%

Test 3
Sale from Organization located in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes to a BP NOT exempt located in region Guadeloupe
Tax rate= Export DOM-TOM Normale

Test 4
Sale from Organization located in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes to a BP exempt located in region Guadeloupe
Tax rate= Export DOM-TOM Normale

2021-08-10 09:24   
Repository: [^]
Changeset: bb253be918d7de9169997d4b509c66d5b3f3eb92
Author: Víctor Martínez Romanos <>
Date: 2021-07-09T14:55:27+02:00
URL: [^]

Related to ISSUE-45755: Removed Exonéré tax's region from and to

M referencedata/standard/Taxes_France.xml
2021-08-10 09:24   
Repository: [^]
Changeset: 036eb2f68e8dc0cfe9f2d8a0c27b42d9a94ee076
Author: Víctor Martínez Romanos <>
Date: 2021-07-09T14:56:05+02:00
URL: [^]

Fixed ISSUE-45755: Added new tax exempt tax rates

* TVA Normale Exonérée - Tax Category = TVA Normale - Rate 0,00 - Tax Exempt = Yes
* TVA Réduite Exonérée- Tax Category = TVA Réduite - Rate 0,00 - Tax Exempt = Yes
* TVA Intermédiaire Exonérée - Tax Category = TVA Intermédiaire - Rate 0,00 - Tax Exempt = Yes
* TVA particulière Exonérée- Tax Category = TVA particulière - Rate 0,00 - Tax Exempt = Yes

Country from = Country To = France
Region from = Region To = null

M referencedata/standard/Taxes_France.xml
M src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_DATASET.xml
M src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_MODULE.xml
2021-08-10 09:24   
Merge request merged: [^]