Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0044831Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2020-08-17 15:412020-08-25 07:49
0044831: Connection is lost when searching characteristic value in webpos
When trying to search characteristic value in the webpos the connection lost with a warning message:
"The connection was lost. You can continue working in offline mode. Transactions made in offline mode will be synchronized when the connection is restored."
Backoffice prequisite:
1. Define the preference: Enable Remote for Product and value: Y and Organization: vallblanca store
2. Verify the number of records in the Assortment >> Product table must be more than 80K
(select count(*) from OBRETCO_Prol_Product where ad_client_id='39363B0921BB4293B48383844325E84C' > 80K for the client The White Valley Group)

1. Log in the webpos terminal VBS-1 with vallbalnca/openbravo.
2. Go to the search tab and click on any Characteristic and after few minutes, a warning message: "The connection was lost. You can continue working in offline mode. Transactions made in offline mode will be synchronized when the connection is restored."
3. Go to the Menu option and check for the connection status and will find it as offline.
4. Still no characteristic values is populated

Expected Behaviour: When click on the characteristic then a pop up with all the available characteristic values must be displayed.
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Issue History
2020-08-17 15:41a_singhNew Issue
2020-08-17 15:41a_singhAssigned To => Retail
2020-08-17 15:41a_singhResolution time => 1599429600
2020-08-17 15:41a_singhTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2020-08-25 07:49marvintmResolution time1599429600 =>
2020-08-25 07:49marvintmNote Added: 0122338
2020-08-25 07:49marvintmTypedefect => design defect

2020-08-25 07:49   
Unfortunately, this is a known performance problem related to using remote mode with a large number of characteristics. It was analysed before, and all known performance optimisations were applied, but the query is still slow if no other filters are provided.

The only solution we have right now (which at the moment we are proposing not to implement, but we can discuss if needed) would be to restrict this simple filter, and require the user to add more filters before we execute the query.