Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0041481Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2019-07-30 10:362019-07-30 10:36
0041481: [19Q3] [CrossStore] Unable to search Quotations from other stores when searched by order type in Open Receipt
After creating a Quotation with products from another store using the Cross Store product search feature, its not possible to look it up in the "Open Receipt" menu item when filtering by the other store or all stores, and by "Quotation" Order Type. Any Quotations created for the current store will still show properly when the "(All Stores)" filter is applied.
PRECONDITION: ensure that the Cross Store feature is properly configured ( [^])

0. Log in the VB-1 terminal as user "vallboi"
1. Click on the "Create Quotation" item from the dropdown menu
2. Click on the "SEARCH" button and check the "Cross Store Search" item to search the "Ceiling Lamp" product in other stores
3. Click on the product from the result list. The "Select store" popup will show. Click on the "Orhi Store" line
4. Click on the "Add to receipt" button from the product description pane at the left side of the screen
5. Click on the Total button showing "45.78". The "Quotation" description of the ticket will now say "Quotation - Under Evaluation"
6. Click on the "Open Receipt" menu item, and perform the following flows

7. Click on the "Advanced Filter" button, select "Quotation" in the "Order Type" field, and select "(All Stores)" in the "Store" field
8. Click on the "Apply Filters" button
NOTICE that only the quotations of the current store show if any, which is incorrect

7. Click on the "Advanced Filter" button, leave "Order Type" field cleared, and select "(All Stores)" in the "Store" field
8. Click on the "Apply Filters" button
NOTICE that the different order types appear for all flows, including the Quotation(s) for Orhi Store which was missing with the previous filtering
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Issue History
2019-07-30 10:36inaki_garciaNew Issue
2019-07-30 10:36inaki_garciaAssigned To => Retail
2019-07-30 10:36inaki_garciaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No

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