Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0041356Retail ModulesDiscounts and Promotionspublic2019-07-15 13:182019-07-15 13:18
0041356: [19Q3] Exclusions of products for Discount have no effect when applied to ticket
The Web POS doesn't check if a product is eligible to have a discount applied or not, based on the exclusion rules set at the Discount and Promotions window. The discount will always be applied on a line and able to be paid, in spite of the product of such line being set in "Products" or in its respective "Product Category" child tab, with either "Included Products" or "Included Product Categories" set to "All excluding defined".
-- Backend
0. Log in to the ERP
1. Navigate to the Discount and Promotions window, and open the "disc_fixed_5_euro" record
2. Set "Included Products *" and "Included Product Categories *" to "All excluding defined"
Choose one of these setups, or a combination of both:
3.1. Add a new line in "Products" subtab with Product "Alpine skiing backpack 27 L"
3.2. Add a new line in "Product Category" subtab with Product Category "Backpacks & Travel"

-- Frontend
0. Log in the Web POS with terminal VBS-1 and user "vallblanca"
1. Add "Avalanche Transceiver" and "Alpine skiing backpack 27 L" products to the ticket
2. Click on the "Receipt discounts", select the "disc_fixed_5_euro" Discount, check the line with "Alpine skiing backpack 27 L", and click "Apply"
3. Pay the ticket
NOTICE that the ticket is succesfully payed and shown in the backend with the discount amount applied, which is incorrect as it doesn't relate to the exclusion rule
4. Repeat steps 1-3. and check "Apply to all lines" before applying. Notice that the result is the same
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Issue History
2019-07-15 13:18inaki_garciaNew Issue
2019-07-15 13:18inaki_garciaAssigned To => Retail
2019-07-15 13:18inaki_garciaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No

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