Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0041087Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2019-06-13 12:192019-08-22 14:44
0041087: when the internet connection is slow the GetConvertedQtyActionHandler don't set the value in the correct cell
when the internet connection is slow the GetConvertedQtyActionHandler don't set the value in the correct cell

More info: [^]
1.- Create a New Purchase Order
2.- Click the button "Create Lines"
3.- Add the columns "Aum" and "Aum Quantity"
4.- Open the Chrome dev tools and set the Internet connection to "3G fast"
5.- Enter a value in the "Aum Quantity" and later click in another row

Error: the value should be set in the same row but is set in the row where you click.

If you make this process with a good Internet connection the value is set in the correct row
No tags attached.
related to defect 0041209 scheduled collazoandy4 NumberFormatException can be thrown in Create Lines process if Aum Quantity is left empty 
related to defect 0041352 closed AugustoMauch Wrong validation error when internet connection is slow 
Issue History
2019-06-13 12:19salvador_campanellaNew Issue
2019-06-13 12:19salvador_campanellaAssigned To => platform
2019-06-13 12:19salvador_campanellaModules => Core
2019-06-13 12:19salvador_campanellaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2019-06-27 13:42salvador_campanellaResolution time => 1562796000
2019-06-27 13:42salvador_campanellaSeverityminor => major
2019-06-28 14:39caristuAssigned Toplatform => caristu
2019-06-28 14:40caristuNote Added: 0113109
2019-06-28 14:40caristuStatusnew => acknowledged
2019-07-01 12:31SandrahuguetAssigned Tocaristu => collazoandy4
2019-07-01 12:39caristuIssue cloned0041209
2019-07-01 12:39caristuRelationship addedrelated to 0041209
2019-07-01 16:21salvador_campanellaNote Added: 0113120
2019-07-01 22:48collazoandy4Statusacknowledged => scheduled
2019-07-08 16:32collazoandy4Note Added: 0113223
2019-07-15 11:27dmiguelezRelationship addedrelated to 0041352
2019-07-16 09:30hgbotCheckin
2019-07-16 09:30hgbotNote Added: 0113394
2019-07-16 09:30hgbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2019-07-16 09:30hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2019-07-16 09:30hgbotFixed in SCM revision => [^]
2019-07-16 09:31dmiguelezReview Assigned To => dmiguelez
2019-07-16 09:31dmiguelezNote Added: 0113395
2019-07-16 09:31dmiguelezStatusresolved => closed
2019-07-16 09:31dmiguelezFixed in Version => 3.0PR19Q3
2019-08-22 14:44hudsonbotCheckin
2019-08-22 14:44hudsonbotNote Added: 0114150

2019-06-28 14:40   
The problem happens when the record selection changes between the call to GetConvertedQtyActionHandler and the corresponding callout execution.
2019-07-01 16:21   
When AUM Quantity is entered and the process converted to Ordered Quantity

The fill still showing red color background even after reflecting the correct Order Quantity

If you click the field in red and later select another field the background color red is removed
2019-07-08 16:32   
Test Plan
  Go to Purchase Order window and create a new record for Bebidas Alegres, S.L.
    Click the button Create Lines and add the columns "Aum" and "Aum Quantity"
    Open the Chrome dev tools and set the Internet connection to "3G fast"
    Enter a value in the "Aum Quantity" and later click in another row and check
      The value is set in the same row
      The cell is refresh with a valid state
2019-07-16 09:30   
Repository: erp/devel/pi
Changeset: 0e684726a0e453aad98cab81a9bf7e74826be2ea
Author: Armaignac <collazoandy4 <at>>
Date: Fri Jul 12 11:14:56 2019 +0200
URL: [^]

Fixes issue 41087: When the internet connection is slow the
GetConvertedQtyActionHandler don't set the value in the correct cell

A wrong rowNum was used to update quantity column value.

Now in the request the rowNum is send to properly update the quantity column value

M modules/org.openbravo.client.application/web/org.openbravo.client.application/js/procurement/ob-procurement.js
2019-07-16 09:31   
Code Review + Testing Ok
2019-08-22 14:44   
A changeset related to this issue has been promoted main and to the
Central Repository, after passing a series of tests.

Promotion changeset: [^]
Maturity status: Test