Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0040807Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2019-05-08 10:112019-05-08 10:11
normalminorhave not tried
0040807: [Support for attributes] Web POS is not managing correctly serialNo and LotNo when specific control is defined
Web POS is not managing correctly attribute sets with serialNo and LotNo with a specific control.

It seems that M_GETJSONDESCIPTION plsql function is not taking into account this control and it returns wrong values
Define an AttSet with 2 attributes and serialNo
Create an specific control for serial no

*Attributes must be mandatory an instantiable
*Example of SeriaNoControl
  - Organization: *
  - StartingNo: 100
  - Increment By: 1
  - Prefix: TEST

Enable preference (Support from attributes)
Create a product using this att Set
Add it to the assormtment
Create a good receipt to create stock
Sell it using web POS
  - Add product
  - Fill Att Data (same data inserted in good receipt)

Until this point everything is OK

Using "Open recipts" in web POS open previously created order
Error: Data related to attribute (serialno) is wrong
It will not allow to do for example a verified return
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related to defect 0040354 closed ranjith_qualiantech_com Attibute set value entered in a order are not the same when a Verified Return transaction is created 
Issue History
2019-05-08 10:11guilleaerNew Issue
2019-05-08 10:11guilleaerAssigned To => Retail
2019-05-08 10:11guilleaerTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2019-05-08 10:12guilleaerRelationship addedrelated to 0040354

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