Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0040177Openbravo ERP07. Sales managementpublic2019-02-11 12:362019-10-03 14:39
0040177: Good Shipment invoiced several times.
Good Shipment invoiced several times.
1. Create a new good shipment, add a line and complete it.
2. Create a sales invoice:
 2.1 "Create lines from Shipment" by selecting the previous good shipment.
3. Create another sales invoice.
 3.1 "Create lines from Shipment" by selecting the previous good shipment.
 3.2 Complete the sales invoice.
4. Complete first sales invoice.
*** Check that it is possible to complete both sales invoices.

1. Create a new good shipment, add a line and complete it.
2. Create a sales invoice:
 2.1 "Create lines from Shipment" by selecting the previous good shipment.
 2.2 Increase the quantity of the product above the quantity indicated on the good shipment.
3. Complete the sales invoice.
*** Check that it is possible to complete the sales invoices.
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Issue History
2019-02-11 12:36LeyreNew Issue
2019-02-11 12:36LeyreAssigned To => Triage Finance
2019-02-11 12:36LeyreModules => Core
2019-02-11 12:36LeyreTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2019-09-26 03:21markmm82Assigned ToTriage Finance => markmm82
2019-09-26 03:21markmm82Statusnew => scheduled
2019-10-03 14:39markmm82Note Added: 0114904
2019-10-03 14:39markmm82Typedefect => design defect

2019-10-03 14:39   
This issue is a very particular case that does not comply with the generality, since the normal flow after creating a document should be to complete it, or in case of leaving it in the draft state then not creating new documents with lines associated with the same shipment if it isn't invoiceable anymore.

The proposed solution for this issue is to avoid creating lines from shipment / receipts that have already been included in previous invoices and take into account those invoices that are in draft status. This prevents the same shipment from being invoiced more than once.

As making this change affects most of the flows of creating invoice lines from shipments and is very sensitive to cause regressions, we move the issue to Design Defect so that the development that is carried out does not affect the current flows.