Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0040107Retail ModulesOmnichannelpublic2019-02-01 13:442019-02-01 13:44
normalminorhave not tried
0040107: [RR19Q1] [OMNI] Default delivery mode is not carried away using "Cancel and Replace"
The header of the new ticket after using Cancel And Replace menu option does not maintain the default delivery mode.
1. Create a ticket with a "Home delivery" delivery mode. Set a date and a time
2. Add a line and pay it
3. Seek for the ticket and open it
4. Use the "Cancel and Replace" menu option. A copy of the ticket is created, and the delivery modes of the lines are kept, but the header's default is changed.
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Issue History
2019-02-01 13:44plujanNew Issue
2019-02-01 13:44plujanAssigned To => Retail
2019-02-01 13:44plujanTriggers an Emergency Pack => No

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