Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0040076Retail ModulesOmnichannelpublic2019-01-30 16:512019-01-30 16:51
normalminorhave not tried
0040076: [RR19Q1] [OMNI] In the WebPOS the time format is set to 24h while the "Home Delivery" pop up works in "am/pm" format
There is a discrepancy between the majority of the WebPOS GUI and the Home Delivery section of the Delivery modes pop up. Almost everywhere the time is listed in 24H format, in the pop up as am/pm
1. Create a ticket with a line
2. edit the line to set a delivery mode
3. Pick Home Delivery
4. Check the time fields note that the format is am/pm
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Issue History
2019-01-30 16:51plujanNew Issue
2019-01-30 16:51plujanAssigned To => Retail
2019-01-30 16:51plujanTriggers an Emergency Pack => No

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