Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0039515Retail ModulesDiscounts Combopublic2018-10-23 15:032018-12-10 13:06
0039515: If I modify the starting date of a Combo to the future I have to delete cache so it is not reflected in WEBPOS anymore
If I have a Combo in WEBPOS and I modify the starting date to the future I have to delete cache so it is not reflected in WEBPOS anymore. If I simply refresh (F5) this change is not applied, only when I delete cache.
1. Create a combo discount with starting date in the past
2. Open webpos and Combo is there
3. Go to back office and change starting date of the combo to the future
4. Refresh WEBPOS (F5), discount is still there (?)
5. Delete cache
6. Discount is not reflected in WEBPOS
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Issue History
2018-10-23 15:03lmonrealNew Issue
2018-10-23 15:03lmonrealAssigned To => Retail
2018-10-23 15:03lmonrealTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2018-12-10 13:06rafarodaIssue Monitored: rafaroda

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