Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0039474Openbravo ERP07. Sales managementpublic2018-10-17 21:482018-12-11 20:22
Google Chrome
0039474: Commission calculation error
When an invoice is created, with a payment condition that divides the payment plan into two or more plans, the calculation of the commission for fully paid invoices does not calculate the commission correctly for each line.
1.create payment term as shown in the file "payment termns". (30-60 days)see attached image.
2.create a sales invoice with a payment termn that divides the payment plan into two or more planssee attached image
   2.1 add sales representative (example: Javier Martín)
3.add many lines sales invoice the first plan and make 3 payments(different dates) the second plan and make 3 payments(different dates)
7.create commission for example: Javier Martin(see attached image)
    7.1 Frequency Type: Monthly
    7.2 Basis Status : Fully paid documents
    7.3 Basis Amount: Net amount
    7.4 List Details = true
    7.5 Cascade = true
8. Create line 10:
    8.1 Exclude=false
    8.2 Based on sales rep= true
    8.3 Business Partner Category = Customer - Tier 1
    8.4 Multiplier Amount = 0.13
9.Create line 20:
    8.1 Exclude=true
    8.2 Based on sales rep= false
    8.3 Business Partner Category = null
10. Generate commission for the last payment date
11. calculation made by the process of generating commission:
     amt = "net amount of the line" x ("expected amount of the payment plan" / "total amount of the invoice")
given that the payment termn divides the plan in two, the expected amount is half of the total of the invoice, then the calculation of the amount of each one of the lines of the invoice is reduced to half of its real value.
this generates an incorrect commission amount
change the calculation of the commission for fully paid documents: example
SELECT h.C_Currency_ID,
      -- remove this line l.LineNetAmt * (psv.expected / h.grandtotal),
           WHEN dt.docbasetype IN ('ARC',
                                   'APC') THEN -1
           ELSE 1
       END * l.QtyInvoiced,
FROM C_Invoice h
JOIN C_InvoiceLine l ON h.C_Invoice_ID = l.C_Invoice_ID
JOIN c_doctype dt ON h.c_doctype_id = dt.c_doctype_id
LEFT JOIN M_Product prd ON l.M_Product_ID = prd.M_Product_ID
LEFT JOIN fin_payment_sched_inv_v psv ON psv.C_Invoice_ID = h.C_Invoice_ID
WHERE h.DocStatus IN ('CL',
  AND h.AD_Client_ID = 'xxxxx'
  AND h.IsPaid = 'Y'
  AND h.SalesRep_ID IN
    (SELECT AD_User_ID
     FROM AD_User
     WHERE IsActive='Y'
       AND C_BPartner_ID='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
  AND AD_ISORGINCLUDED(h.AD_Org_ID, 'xx', h.AD_Client_ID) <> -1
  AND h.C_BPartner_ID IN
    (SELECT C_BPartner_ID
     FROM C_BPartner
     WHERE C_BP_Group_ID='zzzzzz')
         8 HAVING max(psv.LastPayment) >= to_date('01-12-2018')
AND max(psv.LastPayment) < to_date('30-12-2018') +1
No tags attached.
related to defect 0039623 new Triage Omni OMS Actual Qty in Commission Amt is set wrongly when Commission is configured as Cascade = No 
gz example_commission.tar.gz (411,378) 2018-10-17 21:48
Issue History
2018-10-17 21:48lbressanNew Issue
2018-10-17 21:48lbressanAssigned To => Triage Finance
2018-10-17 21:48lbressanFile Added: example_commission.tar.gz
2018-10-17 21:48lbressanWeb browser => Google Chrome
2018-10-17 21:48lbressanModules => Core
2018-10-17 21:48lbressanResolution time => 1541545200
2018-10-17 21:48lbressanTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2018-10-18 10:03PracticsIssue Monitored: Practics
2018-11-02 13:47gsuarezWeb browserGoogle Chrome => Google Chrome
2018-11-02 13:47gsuarezTypedesign defect => defect
2018-11-02 14:23aferrazAssigned ToTriage Finance => AtulOpenbravo
2018-11-02 21:31AtulOpenbravoStatusnew => scheduled
2018-11-12 09:57SandrahuguetWeb browserGoogle Chrome => Google Chrome
2018-11-12 09:57SandrahuguetResolution time1541545200 => 1542927600
2018-11-12 13:20mgonzalezhIssue Monitored: mgonzalezh
2018-11-13 19:09AtulOpenbravoNote Added: 0107892
2018-11-13 19:15AtulOpenbravoRelationship addedrelated to 0039623
2018-11-13 19:16AtulOpenbravoNote Edited: 0107892bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0107892#r17910
2018-11-14 18:09hgbotCheckin
2018-11-14 18:09hgbotNote Added: 0107909
2018-11-14 18:09hgbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2018-11-14 18:09hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2018-11-14 18:09hgbotFixed in SCM revision => [^]
2018-11-14 18:10SandrahuguetReview Assigned To => Sandrahuguet
2018-11-14 18:10SandrahuguetNote Added: 0107910
2018-11-14 18:10SandrahuguetStatusresolved => closed
2018-11-14 18:10SandrahuguetFixed in Version => 3.0PR19Q1
2018-11-15 05:17AtulOpenbravoNote Edited: 0107892bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0107892#r17920
2018-12-11 20:22hudsonbotCheckin
2018-12-11 20:22hudsonbotNote Added: 0108469

2018-11-13 19:09   
(edited on: 2018-11-15 05:17)
Test Plan

Case I: Cascade = No

- Login as International Group Admin.
- Create a Payment Term header:
   Overdue Payment Days Rule: 60
   Add a line to it:
      Percentage due: 50
      Overdue Payment Days Rule: 30
- Create a Commission with:
      Business Partner / Sales Rep.: Javier Martín
      Frequency Type: Monthly
      Basis Document: Invoice
      Basis Status. Fully paid docuemnts
      Basis Amount: Net amount
      Cascade = No
   Add a line to it:
      Based on Sales Rep. = Y
      Multiplier amount: 0.13
- Create a Sales Invoice and associate the previously created payment terms and the sales representative to it.
- Line 1: Product - Agua sin Gas 1L, Quantity: 100, Tax: Entregas IVA 21%, Line Net Amount = 153.00
- Line 2: Product - Cerveza Ale 0,5L, Quantity: 100, Tax: Entregas IVA 21%, Line Net Amount = 204.00
- Line 3: Product - Bebida Energética 0,5L, Quantity: 1, Tax: Entregas IVA 21%, Line Net Amount = 368.00
- Total Gross Amount 877.25, Line Gross Amount:725.00, Complete it.
- Realize that two payment plan are available for this invoice.
  Due Date 1: Today + 30 days, Amount = 438.62
  Due Date 2: Today + 60 days, Amount = 438.63
- Pay each of it in three payments with different dates.
- Generate commission for the last payment date.
- Go to the Commission Payment window:
- Realize a there is payment created with Total Amount = 94.25.
- In Amount Tab: Amount = 94.25, Converted Amount = 725.00, Actual Quantity = 402
- In Details Tab:
   Line 1: Product - Cerveza Ale 0,5L, Actual Amount = 102.00, Converted Amount = 102.00, Actual Qty = 100
   Line 2: Product - Agua sin Gas 1L, Actual Amount = 76.50, Converted Amount = 76.50, Actual Qty = 100
   Line 3: Product - Bebida Energética 0,5L, Actual Amount = 184.00, Converted Amount = 184.00, Actual Qty = 1
   Line 4: Product - Bebida Energética 0,5L, Actual Amount = 184.00, Converted Amount = 184.00, Actual Qty = 1
   Line 5: Product - Agua sin Gas 1L, Actual Amount = 76.50, Converted Amount = 76.50, Actual Qty = 100
   Line 6: Product - Cerveza Ale 0,5L, Actual Amount = 102.00, Converted Amount = 102.00, Actual Qty = 100

  Case II: Cascade = Yes

- Set IsCascade flag in Commission as Yes.
- Follow same steps as above until generate commission steps.
- Realize a there is commission payment created with Total Amount = 94.25.
- In Amount Tab: Amount = 94.25, Converted Amount = 725.00, Actual Quantity = 201
- In Details Tab:
   Line 1: Product - Cerveza Ale 0,5L, Actual Amount = 204.00, Converted Amount = 204.00, Actual Qty = 100
   Line 2: Product - Agua sin Gas 1L, Actual Amount = 153.00, Converted Amount = 153.00, Actual Qty = 100
   Line 3: Product - Bebida Energética 0,5L, Actual Amount = 368.00, Converted Amount = 368.00, Actual Qty = 1

2018-11-14 18:09   
Repository: erp/devel/pi
Changeset: fc4300d9862a45e8e9b3adfbff5b8826cbba43a2
Author: Atul Gaware <atul.gaware <at>>
Date: Tue Nov 13 19:23:04 2018 +0530
URL: [^]

Fixes Issue 39474: Commission calculation error

When commission is set as Cascade = Yes, comission details
with invoiceline or orderline are deleted before creating
lines are same subsequent invoiceline or orderline.
Hence the information about the amount is lost once such
lines are deleted. To keep track amounts of the multiple
invoiceline or orderline they are stored in variable and
added to same subsequent invoiceline or orderline being

M src-db/database/model/functions/C_COMMISSION_PROCESS.xml
2018-11-14 18:10   
Code review + testing OK
2018-12-11 20:22   
A changeset related to this issue has been promoted main and to the
Central Repository, after passing a series of tests.

Promotion changeset: [^]
Maturity status: Test