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0038821Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2018-06-22 16:022018-07-03 13:17
0038821: [UX] Bad behavior in the automatic search
The automatic search of the selectors/SEARCH is behaving in a way totally different than any UI standard.

At this moment, it seems that the automatic search is launched only when the input has 3 characters or more, but the manual search (by pressing the magnifier glass) can be launched at any time. This is totally inconsistent and leads to confusion. The same rule should apply to both automatic or manual search, so if the manual search can be executed with no data in the input, the automatic search should be launched too with no data in the input. If n-characters are needed to be able to launch the manual search, the same n-characters should be needed to launch the automatic search (this restriction -n characters needed- should be notified to the user, by the way).

The other ugly point is that the automatic search is launched after X milliseconds. I am ok with that, just to avoid overload the server with requests, but the list of the results should be removed (switch to 'Loading...' state) just after the input value change, without waiting for the X milliseconds (although in the reality the request won't be performed until the user stops writing). This will allow the user to know that the values listed are not matching anymore with the text he is writing, while at the same time notice that the search is already taking place (although it is not true because of the X milliseconds).

Note that this last mentioned behavior should only happen if the automatic search is enabled; if not, the result list should remain there until the user presses the search button. In the special case that automatic search is enabled, but more than N characters are needed to launch the search, and the user moves from N characters to N-1, the result list should remain untouched because there is no automatic (or manual) search to be launched. (the message notifying the -N characters needed- restriction should be shown to the user).

Here there is a video showing how annoying is the current behavior, showing also how other solutions, like Google, behave: [^]
Ensure that the automatic search (when enabled) is always launched when the manual one is available too.

Once the input contents changes, and the automatic search is enabled, erase the result list even if the search has not been yet launched.
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related to defect 0037389 new Triage Omni WMS Modules [AWOFE][UX] "Minimum allowed characters" message text is not properly located 
related to feature request 0038808 new Retail Retail Modules [UX] Add more visual feedback while a search is being executed 
Issue History
2018-06-22 16:02dbazNew Issue
2018-06-22 16:02dbazAssigned To => Retail
2018-06-22 16:02dbazTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2018-06-22 16:11dbazRelationship addedrelated to 0038808
2018-06-22 16:11dbazRelationship addedrelated to 0037389
2018-07-03 13:17migueldejuanaNote Added: 0105547

2018-07-03 13:17   
Finally, if automatic search is enabled:

- We will trigger the search in selectors after the time of the defined delay, only in local mode(remote disable) and we forget the 3 chars limitation.

- We will show 'Loading...' when the user changes the input in order to show that we are searching for the new value. The search will be triggered when the delay time finishes.