Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0038774Openbravo ERPI. Performancepublic2018-06-15 15:362018-06-19 13:44
0038774: Needed index on M_MATCHPO to improve performance in Create Lines From popup on Invoice windows
The Create Lines From popup is very slow when having a high number of Orders realted to a business partner. From both Purchase and Sales Invoice windows.
It is caused by a query that is executed for every candidate order validating that exists lines that can be invoiced and to do that is requested information from M_MATCHPO.
On a environment with a high volume of orderds. Around 8 million.
Create a new Purchase Invoice Header and open the Create Lines popup.
In the customer environment it takes minutes to load the popup.
Create a new index on M_MatchPO (c_orderline_id, c_invoiceline_id) where c_invoiceline_id is not null
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blocks defect 0038772 closed markmm82 Needed index on M_MATCHPO to improve performance in Create Lines From popup on Invoice windows 
Issue History
2018-06-15 16:19markmm82Typedefect => backport
2018-06-15 16:19markmm82Target Version => 3.0PR18Q1.4
2018-06-19 13:41hgbotCheckin
2018-06-19 13:41hgbotNote Added: 0105249
2018-06-19 13:41hgbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2018-06-19 13:41hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2018-06-19 13:41hgbotFixed in SCM revision => [^]
2018-06-19 13:44vmromanosReview Assigned To => vmromanos
2018-06-19 13:44vmromanosNote Added: 0105253
2018-06-19 13:44vmromanosStatusresolved => closed
2018-06-19 13:44vmromanosFixed in Version => 3.0PR18Q1.4

2018-06-19 13:41   
Repository: erp/backports/3.0PR18Q1.4
Changeset: d2a3f71799a571bf99cbf3ca87f5645ce0757051
Author: Mark <markmm82 <at>>
Date: Thu Jun 14 19:20:21 2018 -0400
URL: [^]

Fixes issue 38774:Index on M_MATCHPO to improve performance in Create Lines From

Caused by a query that is executed for every candidate order validating that exists lines that can be
invoiced requesting information from M_MATCHPO, the Create Lines From process on Invoice windows has
bad performance and to be improved waa needed to add a new index in C_ORDERLINE_ID and C_INVOICELINE_ID
columns taking into account those records where C_INVOICELINE_ID IS NOT NULL.

M src-db/database/model/tables/M_MATCHPO.xml
2018-06-19 13:44   
Code review + testing OK