Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0037172Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2017-08-16 12:152017-10-31 09:28
urgentmajorhave not tried
0037172: A sanity check must be added to the login to avoid some scenarios with corrupted data
The idea of this sanity check is simple and it's ONLY used in full refresh:
 * During the login, data from masterdata is loaded to the webPOS
 * This sanity check will compare the number of records sent from the server with the number of records present in the client-side database.
 * Here could be two scenarios:
   * Scenario 1 - All models has all the data sent by the server
     - In this case nothing happens and the user could work as usual
   * Scenario 2 - Some models doesn't have the same number of records in websql and in the server
     - In this case, a popup will be shown to force to the user to refresh again all the models
Refer to the description to understand the problem
No tags attached.
blocks defect 0036654 closed jorge-garcia A sanity check must be added to the login to avoid some scenarios with corrupted data 
causes backport 0037286RR17Q3.2 closed jorge-garcia It is not possible to do login if one product category is not active 
Issue History
2017-10-27 09:17jorge-garciaTypedefect => backport
2017-10-27 09:17jorge-garciaTarget Version => RR17Q3.1
2017-10-27 12:44hgbotCheckin
2017-10-27 12:44hgbotNote Added: 0100115
2017-10-27 12:44hgbotCheckin
2017-10-27 12:44hgbotNote Added: 0100117
2017-10-27 12:44hgbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2017-10-27 12:44hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2017-10-27 12:44hgbotFixed in SCM revision [^] => [^]
2017-10-31 09:28marvintmStatusresolved => closed
2017-10-31 09:28marvintmFixed in Version => RR17Q3.1
2017-11-17 10:50jorge-garciaRelationship addedcauses 0037286

2017-10-27 12:44   
Repository: retail/backports/3.0RR17Q3.1/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal
Changeset: 918ffc936a8eda9a0d1226a3b9991c15c0af6c05
Author: Jorge Garcia <jorge.garcia <at>>
Date: Fri Oct 27 12:21:09 2017 +0200
URL: [^]

Related to issue 37172: A sanity check must be added to the login to avoid some
scenarios with corrupted data

Change Discounts query to discard promotions deactivate during a full request.

M src/org/openbravo/retail/posterminal/master/
2017-10-27 12:44   
Repository: retail/backports/3.0RR17Q3.1/
Changeset: dfed213bf2f4ca1a83a0298f59f081fd3566302f
Author: Jorge Garcia <jorge.garcia <at>>
Date: Fri Oct 27 12:24:35 2017 +0200
URL: [^]

Fixed issue 37172: A sanity check must be added to the login to avoid some
scenarios with corrupted data

It’s necessary to add a check during the login of WebPOS to be sure all the
data is correctly save in the client-side.

This check is only done during a full refresh, when we can be sure that the
number of records retrieved from the server are all the records that should
be added in the client.

In addition, some new log messages has been added to help us to debug
possible errors in the future.

M src/org/openbravo/mobile/core/process/
M web/
M web/