Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0036561Openbravo ERP09. Financial managementpublic2017-08-01 11:282017-12-18 01:50
0036561: Wrong error message shown when trying to reactivate an already posted payment and financial account transaction
Wrong error message shown when trying to reactivate an already posted payment and financial account transaction.

Message value (PostedDocument) is shown instead of message text (Document already Posted.)
As group admin role:
   Create a Payment In
   Process it and deposit it in the financial account
   Configure the Payment Method in the Financial Account to post both payments and transactions (Upon Receipt Use and Upon Deposit Use fields)
   Post it
   Try to reactivate it and check the following error message is shown:
      PostedDocument: <documentno>

   Navigate to the associated financial account transaction
   Post it
   Try to reactivate it and check the following error message is shown:
      PostedDocument: <documentno>
Change the following lines
msg = OBMessageUtils.messageBD("PostedDocument: " + transaction.getIdentifier()); (it appears 2 times):

msg = OBMessageUtils.messageBD("PostedDocument: " + payment.getDocumentNo());

with something like
msg = OBMessageUtils.messageBD("PostedDocument") + " " + transaction.getIdentifier(); (it appears two times):

msg = OBMessageUtils.messageBD("PostedDocument") + " " + payment.getDocumentNo();
No tags attached.
Issue History
2017-08-01 11:28ngarciaNew Issue
2017-08-01 11:28ngarciaAssigned To => Triage Finance
2017-08-01 11:28ngarciaModules => Core
2017-08-01 11:28ngarciaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2017-08-01 11:28ngarciaIssue Monitored: networkb
2017-08-01 11:29ngarciaProposed Solution updated
2017-12-13 16:47markmm82Assigned ToTriage Finance => markmm82
2017-12-13 16:47markmm82Statusnew => scheduled
2017-12-18 01:50markmm82Note Added: 0101087

2017-12-18 01:50   
Test Plan
As group admin role:
   Create a Payment In
   Process it and deposit it in the financial account
   Configure the Payment Method in the Financial Account to post both payments and transactions (Upon Receipt Use and Upon Deposit Use fields)
   Post it
   Try to reactivate it and check the following error message is shown:
      Document Posted: <documentno>

   Navigate to the associated financial account transaction
   Post it
   Try to reactivate it and check the following error message is shown:
      Document Posted: <documentno>