Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Modules
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0035657ModulesRemittancepublic2017-03-30 16:192017-03-30 16:21
Triage Omni OMS 
0035657: Wrong error message shown when launching Undo Protest process for a protested remittance line associated with a voided payment
Wrong error message shown when launching Undo Protest process for a protested remittance line associated with a voided payment
As group admin role:
   Create a Sales Invoice, add Remittance payment method and complete it
   Add Payment to it
   Execute the payment in
   Go to Settle/Protest Remittance and Protest the remittance line associated to it
   Go to Payment In window and void it
   Go to Remittance - Protest tab, select the record and Undo Protest
   Check the following error message is shown
      "There is a later transaction for the given protested payment. Please undo later transactions prior to undo this protested payment."
   Anything can be undone as void is the final status of the payment
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Issue History
2017-03-30 16:19ngarciaNew Issue
2017-03-30 16:19ngarciaAssigned To => Triage Finance
2017-03-30 16:21ngarciaIssue Monitored: networkb

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