Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Modules
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0035647ModulesWarehouse Pickingpublic2017-03-30 11:412017-03-31 07:40
0035647: Picking list is created with stock of a on hand warehouse other than Warehouse in Sales Order Header
Picking list is created with stock of a on hand warehouse other than Warehouse in Sales Order Header when sales order is processed by setting reservation as Auto in the sales order line.
- Login as Group admin role:
- Set the Enable Stock Reservations preference to Y
- Log out and log in
- Create a new product in F&B España, S.A.
- Make sure that Region Norte and Region Sur warehouses as on hand warehouses to F&B España, S.A. organization
- Create a goods receipt in Espana Organization, add 5 units of the previously created product for each storage bin in Norte and Sur Warehouse for eg:
5 Units in RN-0-0-0 and 5 Units in RS-0-0-0. Complete Goods Receipt.
- Create a Sales Order for F&B España S.A. and Region Norte warehouse.
- In the Sales Order Line set reservation as Auto.
- Add 10 units of the previously created product to it.
- Complete it.
- Generate Picking List for above Sales Order.
- Check 5 units have been taken from Region Norte and 5 for Region Sur warehouse.
- Process it.
- Check a goods shipment for Region Norte warehouse has been created with a storage bin of Region Norte and another storage bin for Region Sur.

This is not correct as mentioned in issue 35281. Picking List should be created only with the storage bins of the sales order header warehouse.
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related to defect 0035281 closed AtulOpenbravo Picking list is created with stock of a on hand warehouse if there exists some stock in the warehouse of the sales order header 
Issue History
2017-03-30 11:41AtulOpenbravoNew Issue
2017-03-30 11:41AtulOpenbravoAssigned To => AtulOpenbravo
2017-03-30 11:42AtulOpenbravoSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=14917#r14917
2017-03-30 11:42AtulOpenbravoRelationship addedrelated to 0035281
2017-03-30 12:02AtulOpenbravoStatusnew => scheduled
2017-03-31 07:40AtulOpenbravoNote Added: 0095741
2017-03-31 07:41AtulOpenbravoNote Edited: 0095741bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0095741#r14931

2017-03-31 07:40   
(edited on: 2017-03-31 07:41)
Test Plan
- Login as Group admin role:
- Set the Enable Stock Reservations preference to Y
- Log out and log in
- Create a new product in F&B España, S.A.
- Make sure that Region Norte and Region Sur warehouses as on hand warehouses to F&B España, S.A. organization
- Create a goods receipt in Espana Organization, add 5 units of the previously created product for each storage bin in Norte and Sur Warehouse for eg:
5 Units in RN-0-0-0 and 5 Units in RS-0-0-0. Complete Goods Receipt.
- Create a Sales Order for F&B España S.A. and Region Norte warehouse.
- In the Sales Order Line set Stock Reservation as Automatic.
- Add 10 units of the previously created product to it.
- Complete it. Check Reservation Stock Tab information. 5 Units from RN-0-0-0 and 5 Units from Rs-0-0-0 are reserved.
- Generate Picking List for above Sales Order.
- Check 5 units have been taken from Region Norte and message about partially created picking list is shown properly.