Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0035349Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2017-02-22 10:552017-03-03 15:35
Production - QA Approved
3.0PR16Q4 [^]
0035349: Callout problem when working with comma (,) as decimal separator
Callout calculations are wrong when Format.xml is configured with comma (,) as decimal separator
1. Edit config/Format.xml file to set comma as decimal separator for all references
2. Compile application using: ant smartbuild
3. Register new Sales Invoice record for "EspaƱa" org and any BP. Add any line
4. Access to "Exchange Rate" tab, create new record setting USD, set "Foreign Amount"= 5 and realize that "Rate" field has not been properly calculated

Problem is also reproducible in Financial Account window, Transactions tab:
0. Access Financial Account window, Payment Method tab and modify Transferencia to leave it as "Automatic Deposit"=NO
1. Access Payment In window, set "Alimentos y Supermercados, S.A" and any decimal amount
2. Run "Add details" process and pay pending invoice with already set amount, Select "Process payment" option
3. Access Transactions tab in financial account "cuenta de banco", create new record. select previously created payment in "payment" selector and realize that Deposit Amount is not correct
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blocks defect 0035334 closed inigosanchez Callout problem when working with comma (,) as decimal separator 
Issue History
2017-02-23 16:20inigosanchezTypedefect => backport
2017-02-23 16:20inigosanchezTarget Version => 3.0PR17Q1
2017-02-27 10:44inigosanchezRegression levelPackaging and release => Production - QA Approved
2017-02-27 10:47hgbotCheckin
2017-02-27 10:47hgbotNote Added: 0094628
2017-02-27 10:47hgbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2017-02-27 10:47hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2017-02-27 10:47hgbotFixed in SCM revision => [^]
2017-02-27 11:29inigosanchezReview Assigned To => caristu
2017-03-03 15:35caristuNote Added: 0094751
2017-03-03 15:35caristuStatusresolved => closed
2017-03-03 15:35caristuFixed in Version => 3.0PR17Q1

2017-02-27 10:47   
Repository: erp/backports/3.0PR17Q1
Changeset: d2f5d812ddda1d676d77bf31eedfd50ec7eb4550
Author: Inigo Sanchez <inigo.sanchez <at>>
Date: Mon Feb 27 10:46:35 2017 +0100
URL: [^]

Fixed issue 35349:Callout problem when working with comma as decimal separator

The problem was raised when a default format were switched, it means, when
decimal and group separator were switched. In this situation, when
SimpleCalloutInformationProvider class was used to obtain the current element
value and this current element was a BigDecimal, the format was not managed
properly. This occurred because getCurrentElementValue method always retrieved
a String element instead of Object element, in tyhis case BigDecimal.

In this situation, managesUpdatedValuesForCallout method of FIC class compare
if element is a String or not. If a BigDecimal is retrieved as String element,
in this part of the code the format is not managed properly when decimal separator
is comma. The code manage the comma separator as group separator and removed it.

When the decimal separator is dot (.) the format is managed as expected although
this method retrieves a String object (e.g. "1.23"). When decimal separator is
comma (,) this BigDecimal (e.g. 1,24) is retrieved by getCurrentElementValue method
as String value and the format is missed.

This problem has been fixed by take into account type of current element inside
getCurrentElementValue method. Now this method retrieves an object value. In this
case, a BigDecimal is retrieved. Now the format is managed properly.

M src/org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_callouts/
2017-03-03 15:35   
Code reviewed + tested OK.