Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0035041Openbravo ERP07. Sales managementpublic2017-01-24 10:382018-01-09 00:33
0035041: If a product has been included in a sales order which has been completed and after deleted, this product can not be deleted.
If you create a new product, you include it in a sales order, and you book this sales order but after that, you delete it, it is not possible to delete the product created.
1- In backend create a new product of type item.
2- Delete the product created in step 1. Everything works fine
3- Create again other product of type item.
4- Create a new sales order and add the product created in step 3.
5- Book the order.
6-Reactivate the order using the close button and delete the entire sales order.
7- Now, try to delete the product created in step 3. An error appears(Error:
This record cannot be deleted because it is associated with other existing elements. Please see Linked Items) and it is not possible. It seems to be linked with the table m_storage_pending
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Issue History
2017-01-24 10:38nataliagNew Issue
2017-01-24 10:38nataliagAssigned To => Triage Finance
2017-01-24 10:38nataliagModules => Core
2017-01-24 10:38nataliagTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2017-01-24 11:02eugeniIssue Monitored: eugeni
2017-01-25 11:53nataliagNote Added: 0093816
2017-12-19 17:08collazoandy4Assigned ToTriage Finance => collazoandy4
2017-12-19 17:08collazoandy4Statusnew => scheduled
2018-01-09 00:33collazoandy4Note Added: 0101627

2017-01-25 11:53   
This problem is also happening if you add the product to a goods receipt and then you switch this product to another one. When you try to delete the first product, an error is raised: constraint "m_storage_detail_m_product"
on table "m_storage_detail".
2018-01-09 00:33   
Test Plan I
  As F&B International Group Admin
    Go to Product window and create a new record:
      Search Key/Name: Test1
      Create a new record in Price tab:
        Price List version: Tarifa de ventas
        Unit Price: 7
    Go to Sales Order window and create a new record:
      Business Partner: Alimentos y Supermercados, S.A
      Create a new record in Lines Tab:
        Product: Test1
        Ordered Quantity: 1
      Book the order
      Reactivate and delete the order
    Go to the Previous product created and check you can delete it without errors

Test Plan II
    Go to Product window and create a new record:
      Search Key/Name: Test2
    Go to Goods Receipt window and create a new record:
      Business Partner: Bebidas Alegres, S.L.
      Create a new record in Lines Tab:
        Product: Test2
        Movement Quantity: 1
      After save the line change the product defined to Cola 0,5L and save it
    Go to the Previous product created and check you can delete it without errors

Repeat the previous test plan for Goods Shipment