Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0033486Openbravo ERPZ. Otherspublic2016-07-14 18:322019-11-21 12:01
0033486: When payment consuming credit is reactivated, original's payment description should be updated to remove credit used info
"Credit used in Payment No.: " information should be removed from payment generating credit in order to avoid end user's confussion
1. Register Payment In with any BP and amount. Run Add details process, not select any invoice/gl item and choose "leave credit to be used later" option when processing payment
2. Register another Payment in with same BP. Run Add details process, select available credit in "credit to be used" section and set any gl item to consume it. Process payment
3. Access to first payment and realize that description shows "Credit used in Payment No.: 1000XXX" and Credit Used= your credit amount
4. Access to second payment and reactivate it using "Reactivate and delete lines" process.
5. Access first payment and realize that Credit Used=0.00 (which is correct) but description still shows "Credit used in Payment No.: 1000XXX" which creates confusion to end user
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Issue History
2016-07-14 18:32maiteNew Issue
2016-07-14 18:32maiteAssigned To => Triage Finance
2016-07-14 18:32maiteModules => Core
2016-07-14 18:32maiteTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2016-07-14 18:32maiteIssue Monitored: networkb
2019-11-20 11:27inigo_lergaAssigned ToTriage Finance => inigo_lerga
2019-11-20 11:27inigo_lergaStatusnew => scheduled
2019-11-21 12:01inigo_lergaNote Added: 0115745

2019-11-21 12:01   
Test Plan Mantis:
As the F&B International Group Admin role:
    - Go to Payment In window and create a new record with any
      Business Parner and amount.
    - Run Add details process and do not select any invoice/gl item.
      Choose "leave credit to be used later" option before processing payment
    - Create a new record with the same Business Partner. Run Add detailes
      process and select available credit in "Credit to use" section.
      Set any gl item to consume it and process payment
    - Access the first payment and realize that description shows
      "Credit used in Payment No.: 1000XXX" and "Credit Used= your credit
      amount" at the top.
    - Access the second payment and reactivate it using "Reactivate and
      delete lines" process.
    - Access first payment and realize that Credit Used=0.00 (which is
      correct) but description still shows "Credit used in Payment
      No.: 1000XXX" which creates confusion to end user.