Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0033482Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2016-07-14 10:102016-07-22 11:33
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0033482: implicit filters not applied in updated instances with grid configuration
Instances updated from a previous release that had "Grid Configuration" preferences with transactional filters applied, do not apply transactional filters when fetching data though in the UI the message informing the transactional filter is applied is seen.

The problem is caused because old grid configuration saved in their state whereClause as string and now the code expects it to be a boolean

filterClause:\" ( e.updated > @transactionalRange@ or e.processed = 'N' ) \"
1. Install a fresh Openbravo in PR16Q2
2. Activate this instance
3. Open Sales Order window
4. Change grid layout: ie. sort by Document Number
5. Check in Preferences window there is a "Grid Configuration" preference for this window.
6. Update to PR16Q3
7. Open sales order window
  * Transactional implicit filter message appears as applied in UI -> OK
  * The request to populate the datasource has the isImplicitFilterApplied set to false, which causes the grid not to be filtered -> ERROR

== Alternativelly ==

1. In a pi professional instance, emulate steps 1 to 6 by:
1.1 Create a new preference
   - Property: Grid Configuration
   - Visibility: Current session settings
   - Value: [^]
1.2 Relogin
2. Issue explained in step 7 can be reproduced
Be consistent both when displaying message and applying filtering on how it is determined whether the filter clause is applied.

When setting grid configuration detect this case, and set filterClause as true in case it was not null/empty string.
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blocks defect 0033478 closed NaroaIriarte implicit filters not applied in updated instances with grid configuration 
Issue History
2016-07-14 12:53alostaleTypedefect => backport
2016-07-14 12:53alostaleTarget Version => 3.0PR16Q3
2016-07-19 09:02NaroaIriarteReview Assigned To => alostale
2016-07-19 09:09hgbotCheckin
2016-07-19 09:09hgbotNote Added: 0088570
2016-07-19 09:09hgbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2016-07-19 09:09hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2016-07-19 09:09hgbotFixed in SCM revision => [^]
2016-07-22 11:33alostaleNote Added: 0088631
2016-07-22 11:33alostaleStatusresolved => closed
2016-07-22 11:33alostaleFixed in Version => 3.0PR16Q3

2016-07-19 09:09   
Repository: erp/backports/3.0PR16Q3
Changeset: a9de7947f68df317890a38f0686ae421bf8b7254
Author: Naroa Iriarte <naroa.iriarte <at>>
Date: Fri Jul 15 23:25:35 2016 +0200
URL: [^]

Fixed issue 33482: Implicit filters were not working fine on updated instances

When a grid configuration was done in one instance and after that the instance was updated, the implicit filters were not working fine. The blue popup expressing that a filter is applied appeared but there was no filter applied.
The problem was in the isFilterClauseApplied function of ob-grid.js. There only was taking into account boolean values. Now, it takes into account any value.

M modules/org.openbravo.client.application/web/org.openbravo.client.application/js/grid/ob-grid.js
2016-07-22 11:33   
code reviewed + tested