Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0032973Retail ModulesDiscounts and Promotionspublic2016-05-17 12:512016-05-17 12:51
0032973: Create a way to see all the promotions applied to a ticket
It could be nice to have a way to see all the promotions applied to the ticket, even the hidden ones.
Go to WebPOS
 Go to tab search and add these:
  Four units of Bottle 1L
  Two units of Plastic Bottle
 Check that a discount of "3x2 Bottles" has been applied to the line of Plastic Bottles. (This is correct).
 It's not shown, but the line of Bottle 1L also has a promotions that discounts 0.00 and it's hidden to the user. (This is correct too).
To create a way to see all promotions f the tickets temporally, even the hidden promotions
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Issue History
2016-05-17 12:51jorge-garciaNew Issue
2016-05-17 12:51jorge-garciaAssigned To => Retail
2016-05-17 12:51jorge-garciaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No

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