Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0032546Retail ModulesBest Deal Casepublic2016-03-29 12:592016-04-06 18:26
0032546: Best Deal Case is not working fine with Stock Validation
Best Deal Case is not working fine with Stock Validation when a product has a promotion candidate to apply, and there is not enough stock for that product.
In backend define the following discounts and promotions on this window:
1- Create a new promotion and discount for Insect Repelent product and 10%
* Org: *
* Discount/Promotion type: Price adjustment
* Name: 10% Insect repelent
* Starting date: 1/03/2016
* Included product: Only those defined
* Discount %: 10
* Product tab: add the product Insect Repelent
Leave the other fields as they are by default
2. Create a new promotion and discount for Insect Repelent product and 20%
* Org: *
* Discount/Promotion type: Price adjustment
* Name: 20% Insct repelent
* Starting date: 1/03/2016
* Included product: Only those defined
* Discount %: 20
* Product tab: add the product Insect Repelent
Leave the other fields as they are by default
3. Check a promotion Combo called Torch and Backpack Combo is defined and it has the product Backpack CB1 25l in the backpacks family

1. Login into WebPOS
2. Select "Insect repelent", qty=1
3. Add "Backpack CB1 25l", qty=1
4. Click add to receipt
5. Click on Pay button
6. The popup to add a product for a moment is shown and then the popup disappears but the scrim is still active (see attached image).
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related to defect 0032490 closed jorge-garcia [SERQA 800] A line in a receipt is deleted when working with best deal case and there are discounts for all lines in the receipt 
png issue32546.png (235,948) 2016-03-29 13:15
Issue History
2016-03-29 12:59jorge-garciaNew Issue
2016-03-29 12:59jorge-garciaAssigned To => jorge-garcia
2016-03-29 12:59jorge-garciaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2016-03-29 13:01jorge-garciaAssigned Tojorge-garcia => Retail
2016-03-29 13:02jorge-garciaRelationship addedrelated to 0032490
2016-03-29 13:15jorge-garciaFile Added: issue32546.png
2016-04-06 18:26OrekariaStatusnew => acknowledged

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