Notes |
2016-02-09 12:25
(edited on: 2016-02-09 14:14) |
Test Plan run locally (before applying the fix):
- As system Admin, go to Initial Client Setup and create a new client "Nuevo Cliente 32012"
- As "Nuevo Cliente 32012 Admin" go to Initial Organization Setup and create a new organization "legal with accounting". Name "F&B Pamplona". Currency EUR. Choose an accounting file.
- Go to Fiscal Calendar window and create a new one for *, with 2015 and 2016 year and their corresponding periods.
- Go to Warehouse and Storage bins window and create a warehouse for the org. Location Spain.
- Go to Organization window, select the org just created, set allow period control= yes, select the calendar, enter EUR as currency. Set the org as Ready. Select the Warehouse and enter Spain location.
- Go to Open/Close periods and open all periods.
- Create a price list schema and a sales&purchase price list, valid from 01-01-2015
- Create BP Category: customer, vendor
- Create product category: product
- Create a financial Account: Bank Nueva Org 32012
- Create a Payment Method: Transferencia. Set this payment method in the Financial Account.
- Create a Payment Terms: 30 d.
- Create a tax category: VAT Normal
- Create two tax rates related to that tax category: Sale and Purchase Tax rate, at a 21% rate. No info in Country/Destination Country.
- Create a vendor and a customer in the Business Partner window. located in Spain.
- Create a product in the Product window, named "Product A", Unit of Measure = Unit. Select purchase / sales price list in Price tab, enter any prices.
- Go to Unit of Measure window and create a new one named: EDI code = NA, Name = Synthetic pallet 80*120cm. Costing Precision = 4. Save.
- Dated on 15-03-2015 receipt 120 units of the product.
- Dated on 30-03-2015 ship 100 units of the product.
- Launch Stock Report dated on 30-03-2015. Verify stock is 20 units
- Dated on 15-04-2015 ship 20 units of the product.
- Launch Stock Report dated on 16-04-2015. Verify stock it is empty.
- Change unit of measure of the product to NA. Save. It is possible to change because there is no stock.
- Dated on 15-05-2015 receipt 50 pallets.
- Dated on 30-05-2015 ship 10 pallets.
- Launch Stock Report dated on 30-05-2015. Verify stock is 40 pallets.
- Go to costing rule window and create a new one for the org with below data:
Costing Algorithm = Average Algorithm
Starting Date = 10-04-2015
Press Validate costing rule.
An error is shown: see image attached.
Test Plan run locally (after applying the fix):
- Go to costing rule window and try to validate the one created above with below data:
Costing Algorithm = Average Algorithm
Starting Date = 10-04-2015
Press Validate costing rule.
Check that the costing rule can be validated and two inventories have been created:
Closing Inventory = Quantity Count = 0; UOM = Unit; Book Quantity = 20
Opening Inventory = Quantity count = 20 ; UOM = UNit; Book Quantity= 0
Issue can be code reviewed and closed. |
2016-02-10 10:14
Repository: erp/devel/pi
Changeset: d74b9acdfd3c888a84ca59fb87a53687b8eba501
Author: Alvaro Ferraz <alvaro.ferraz <at>>
Date: Thu Jan 28 11:52:33 2016 +0100
URL: [^]
Fixes issue 32012:Error when validating a costing rule under some circumstances
Update M_TRANSACTION_TRG to avoid raise @DocUOMMismatch@ error in case transaction has been created from a opening or closing inventory.
M src-db/database/model/triggers/M_TRANSACTION_TRG.xml