Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0031540Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2015-11-19 20:322015-11-19 20:32
normalminorhave not tried
0031540: Web POS get stucked when a "paid" receipt which is assigned to a non-loaded business partner is loaded
Web POS get stucked when a "paid" receipt which is assigned to a non-loaded business partner is loaded
1. create a receipt selecting an specific BP
2. pay the receipt
3. check that receipt is present in the ERP
4. make the BP inactive
5. delete the cache
6. log in again in web POS
7. using "Receipts" popup select the receipt created in step 2
8. Error: Loading is shown and it never disappear.
Once this situation happens, at least an error message should be shown indicating that this receipt cannot be loaded because BP information is not available.
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Issue History
2015-11-19 20:32guilleaerNew Issue
2015-11-19 20:32guilleaerAssigned To => Retail
2015-11-19 20:32guilleaerTriggers an Emergency Pack => No

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