Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0031313Openbravo ERP03. Procurement managementpublic2015-10-30 13:082017-11-10 12:31
Triage Omni OMS 
closedunable to reproduce 
0031313: Matched Invoice records are created in the Create Lines process (selecting order lines) but not in Pending Goods Receipt process
Matched Invoice records are created in the Create Lines process (selecting order lines) but not in Pending Goods Receipt process. But, the matched invoice record is only created for completely received order lines and not for partially received ones
As group admin role:
1. Create a Purchase Order
   Create a Purchase Invoice from it
   Launch the Pending Goods Receipt process
   Check no entry is created in the Matched Invoices window

2. Create a Purchase Order
   Create a Purchase Invoice from it
   Create a Goods Receipt header and select the previously created order line
   Complete it
   Check a record is generated in the Matched Invoices window

3. Create a Purchase Order
   Create a Purchase Invoice from it
   Create a Goods Receipt header and select the previously created order line
   Decrease the received amount
   Complete it
   Create a new Goods Receipt header and select the same order line
   Complete it
   Check no record is created in the Matched Invoices window
No tags attached.
related to design defect 0027705 new nonofrancisco No matched invoice in case of booking an invoice prior to the receipt 
related to design defect 0037275 new nonofrancisco Matched Invoice records for already invoiced order lines are only created the first time except in GR-Create Lines From Invoice 
Issue History
2015-10-30 13:08ngarciaNew Issue
2015-10-30 13:08ngarciaAssigned To => Triage Finance
2015-10-30 13:08ngarciaModules => Core
2015-10-30 13:08ngarciaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2015-10-30 13:11ngarciaRelationship addedrelated to 0027705
2015-10-30 13:12ngarciaIssue Monitored: networkb
2015-10-30 13:13ngarciaResolution time => 1449788400
2015-12-02 07:36AtulOpenbravoAssigned ToTriage Finance => AtulOpenbravo
2015-12-15 17:07vmromanosResolution time1449788400 =>
2015-12-15 17:07vmromanosNote Added: 0082777
2015-12-15 17:07vmromanosTypedefect => design defect
2017-04-19 08:37AtulOpenbravoAssigned ToAtulOpenbravo => Triage Finance
2017-11-10 11:04ngarciaSummaryMatched Invoice records are created in the Create Lines process (selecting order lines) but not in Pending Goods Receipt process => Matched Invoice records are not created for already invoiced order lines partially received
2017-11-10 11:04ngarciaDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=16261#r16261
2017-11-10 11:04ngarciaSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=16263#r16263
2017-11-10 11:04ngarciaProposed Solution updated
2017-11-10 11:10ngarciaSummaryMatched Invoice records are not created for already invoiced order lines partially received => Matched Invoice records are created in the Create Lines process (selecting order lines) but not in Pending Goods Receipt process
2017-11-10 11:10ngarciaSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=16264#r16264
2017-11-10 11:10ngarciaDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=16265#r16265
2017-11-10 12:29ngarciaRelationship addedrelated to 0037275
2017-11-10 12:31ngarciaReview Assigned To => ngarcia
2017-11-10 12:31ngarciaStatusnew => closed
2017-11-10 12:31ngarciaResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

2015-12-15 17:07   
Moved to design defect:

We have M_InOutLine_ID reference in C_InvoiceLine which can hold information for a single Goods Receipt Line only. In the scenario reported we have multiple M_InoutLine_ID for a single C_InvoiceLine_ID. At the time of first partial Goods Receipt we mark Invoice Line ID with first M_InoutLine Reference and only for this record Match Invoice record is created and other are skipped.

Fixing this issue would require a deep refactor in the code and in the way to store the relationships between invoice lines and shipment lines.

Moved to design defect and removed resolution time.