Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0031029Openbravo ERPZ. Otherspublic2015-10-02 13:072015-12-21 16:17
Triage Omni OMS 
Advanced Payables and Receivables Mngmt
0031029: Transaction statement date not updated to bank statement line date
Transaction statement date should be updated to bank statement line date when bank statement line date is higher than transaction's date
1. Access "cuenta de banco" financial account and create transactions with date 10/10/2015, set any amount and process transactions
2. Create Bank Statement record with date 01/10/2015, add line with same date and amount and process
3. Run Match Statement process, press button to search transaction from pending bsl. Remove filtering criteria to visualize your transactions with higher date and match it and reconcile
4. Access Transactions tab and realize that transaction date has not been updated to 01/10/2015
- Transaction Statement Date should be updated but Accounting Date should remain the same
- Script required in order to fix erroneous data (pending to confirm the details)
- When opening "search transaction" pop-up it would be useful to see date that is being used to filter
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related to defect 00308593.0PR15Q4 closed vmromanos Include option to match transactions with higher date than bank statement line date (and update transaction date to bsl date) 
Issue History
2015-10-02 13:07maiteNew Issue
2015-10-02 13:07maiteAssigned To => Triage Finance
2015-10-02 13:07maiteModules => Advanced Payables and Receivables Mngmt
2015-10-02 13:07maiteResolution time => 1447542000
2015-10-02 13:07maiteTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2015-10-02 13:07maiteIssue Monitored: networkb
2015-10-02 13:18maiteRelationship addedrelated to 0030859
2015-11-06 12:57vmromanosNote Added: 0081565
2015-11-06 12:57vmromanosTypedefect => feature request
2015-12-21 16:17vmromanosTarget Version3.0PR16Q1 =>

2015-11-06 12:57   
Moved to feature request.

According to ONA, in the real world there are companies that are using the original transaction date and others are using the bank statement date.
Automatically changing the transaction date when it's after the bank statement date can be considered as a regression for those users which are using the original transaction date.

The solution to support this scenario should give the possibility for the end user to change the transaction date or not depending on his own preferences. For example, a confirmation popup could be raised to the end user to confirm the change in the transaction date when required. Displaying this popup could also be controlled by a preference to do it more agile.

Right now it's possible to manually change the transaction date in this scenarios, by unposting/unprocessing the transaction and process/post it again.

Since changing the transaction date should by an exceptional scenario in general, which can be manually done, and since this development is actually a new feature which requires some effort behind, we are moving it to feature request.