2015-09-28 19:31
(edited on: 2015-10-01 12:30) |
Test Plan
- Login as Group Admin role.
- Create a product.
- Create a goods receipt with it. Do not complete it
- Set the product as inactive.
- Process the Goods Receipt.
- Check that error is displayed. In line 10, Product used in transaction is inactive.
- Login as Group Admin role.
- Create a product.
- Create a goods shipment with product created. Enter a movemenqty quantity as negative value.
- Create one more line with same product and negative movementqty.
- Set the product as inactive.
- Process the Goods Shipment.
- Check that error is displayed. In line 10, 20, Product used in transaction is inactive.
- In the same Goods Shipment, try to select the product set as Active = No. Realize that is not possible. That is correct.
- Navigate to Product window and set it as Active = Yes once more.
- Go to the goods shipment, create a new line and select the product. Enter this time a positive Movement quantity.
- Create another line and select any other product.
- Go back to product window and set this product as Active = No.
- Go to Goods Shipment and try to complete it.
- Realize that below error is shown once more: In line 10, 20, 30 Product used in transaction is inactive. That is correct, therefore Goods Shipment cannot be processed.
Note : I would change the error message as
"In line 10, 20, 30 the product used is not active.
- Login as Group Admin role.
- Create a product set as "Bill of Materials", i.e. Box
- Create two more product to be part of Bill of Materials product ie. component A, component B.
- Go to Bill of Materials product and enter two components of the BOM in the Bill of Materials tab, together with the BOM Quantity.
- Validate Bill of Materials
- Go to Bill of Materials Production window create a new header.
- Go to production plan tab and select the product configured as Bill of Materials, ie: Box
- Enter a production quantity and a storage bin.
- Create bill of materials and verify that the components are shown in the sub-tab I/O Products.
- Go to product window and set one of the BOM components as Active = No
- Go back to Bill of Materials production and process it
- An error is shown saying: production run line nº 10, Product Line Nº XX, Product used in transaction is inactive.
Configuration steps:
The organization to be used is F&B España, for instance, so all master data below can be created for F&B España organization.
-Go to Planning Method window and create below Planning Method.
Planning Method Test.
-Select all transactions type in lines 10..50 (Material Requirement, Sales Forecast, Pending Purchase Order, Pending Sales Order and Pending Work Requirement). Weighting = 1 for each line.
-Do not enter any Days from/to, to make it simple.
-Go to Planner and create "Planner 1".
-Go to Product window and create below 3 products:
(1) Search Key = Name = 02317077-REV-X1. Set as "Purchase" = Yes, "Sale" = NO, "Production" = Yes
Go to price tab and select "Tarifa Bebidas Alegres" - Unit Price = List Price = 100.00
Go to Manufacturing tab and enter below data: "Planning Method Test", and "Planner 1".
(2) Search Key = Name = 02317079-REV-X1. Set as "Purchase" = No, "Sale" = Yes, "Production" = Yes.
Go to Manufacturing tab and enter below data: "Planning Method Test" and "Planner 1". Select a Storage bin.
Go to price tab and select a "Sales" price list- Unit Price = List Price = 150.00
(3) Search Key = Name = 02317077-REV-X2. Set as "Purchase" = Yes, "Sale"= No, "Production" = Yes
Tarifa Bebidas Alegres - Unit Price = List Price = 90.00
Go to Manufacturing tab and enter below data: "Planning Method Test" and "Planner 1".
- Go to "Activity" window and create an activity/operation named "Build". Save.
- Go to "Process Plan" window and create a new one named "WP201-REV"
- Go to "Version" tab and create two versions one starting from/to 01-01-2015/30-10-2015; and the other one starting from/to 01-11-2015/31-12-2015
- Select version 1 and enter operation Build. Go to I/O Products and enter below P+, P-:
Product = 02317079-REV-X1 - as P+, Quantity = 1
Product = 02317077-REV-X1 - as P-, Quantity= 1
- Select verion 2 and enter operation Build. Go to I/O Products and enter below P+, P-:
Product = 02317079-REV-X1 - as P+, Quantity = 1
Product = 02317077-REV-X2 - as P-, Quantity= 1
- Go to Product window and enter above created "Process Plan" "WP201-REV" for each of these three products.
- Create a goods receipt for product 02317077-REV-X1 for 15 units dated on 01-01-2015. Complete it.
- Go to "MRP Forecast" window and create a new one with below setup: Document Date 29-09-2015,BP = Alimentos y Supermercados.
- Go to lines tab and enter below data:
Planned date = 01-10-2015
Product = 02317079-REV-X1
- Go to Manufacturing Plan window create a new one dated on 29-09-2015. Time Horizon = 30 days. Process Manufacturing Plan.
- Generate Work Requirements. Navigate to Work Requirement window. Process it and Create Work Effort.
- Go to Work Effort window, enter an employee, go to "Production Run" tab and enter a completed quantity = 5 for instance and click on "Create Standards".
- Go to product window and set product 02317077-REV-X1 as Active = No.
- Validate work effort. An error message saying that the product is inactive will then be shown.