Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0030731Openbravo ERPZ. Otherspublic2015-09-01 22:452015-11-16 13:43
Triage Omni OMS 
normalminorhave not tried
Openbravo 3.0
0030731: Functionality like "packing" but for goods incoming
The customer receives a varied amount of product in large quantities. These products are already registered in the system and know in which warehouse's storage bin should be located.

The process is very similar to packing ( [^]) only instead of relying on a goods shipment, we need a purchase shipment. Sure, the packing refers to a packaged boxed for shipping back. The concept is needed in this case is "unpacked and accommodation".

It would be very valuable that when the product is input to the store, validate not only the product itself but also with their amounts and storage bin where it should be placed.
That storage bin for the product should be preconfigured according to the store with your organization.
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Issue History
2015-09-01 22:45rbianchiniNew Issue
2015-09-01 22:45rbianchiniAssigned To => shuehner
2015-09-01 22:45rbianchiniModules => Openbravo 3.0
2015-09-01 22:45rbianchiniTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2015-11-14 12:57shuehnerAssigned Toshuehner => rbianchini
2015-11-14 12:58shuehnerNote Added: 0081846
2015-11-14 12:58shuehnerCategoryK. Packaging => Z. Others
2015-11-16 13:43egoitzAssigned Torbianchini => Triage Finance

2015-11-14 12:58   
Wrongly use of category packaging which is about the technical publication/appliance or similar of Openbravo.

It has nothing to do with any functionality inside the ERP.

Please re-triage and probably move to functional team.