related to | defect | 0030450 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: RR15Q4 jsLint related fixes |
depends on | design defect | 0030479 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: Creating a clone of an object should not fire any event |
depends on | design defect | 0030548 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: A 'callback(me)' is executed in 'OB.UTIL.saveComposeInfo' |
depends on | defect | 0030598 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: 'receipt.clearWith' is used when 'OB.UTIL.clone' should |
depends on | defect | 0030465 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabillization: When the receipt is done, an immutable copy of it should be used in the involved asynchronous processes |
depends on | defect | 0030473 | | closed | Orekaria | eventParams.callback should not wait to the end of sync process when OBPOS_PostSyncReceipt is present |
depends on | defect | 0030433 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | The 'syncAllModels ' process is reporting that the server synchronization has finished before the client has been updated |
depends on | defect | 0030472 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: Sometimes the incoming 'creationDate' is not correct |
depends on | defect | 0030447 | | closed | guilleaer | Sometimes, orders are synchronized without cashup id |
depends on | design defect | 0030518 | | closed | Orekaria | The callback in 'OB.UTIL.calculateCurrentCash' should be called once, on finish |
depends on | feature request | 0030466 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: RR15Q4 log related changes |
depends on | feature request | 0030610 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: There should be a way to synchronously initialize the model and then, the view |
depends on | design defect | 0030590 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | In the WebPOS document sequence table, It is possible to create more than 1 record for a terminal |
depends on | defect | 0030626 | | closed | jorge-garcia | Automation: The 'CreateSaleBestsellers' test is failing |
depends on | feature request | 0030627 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Automation: Provide some way to know which is the active window |
depends on | feature request | 0030628 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: Provide a method to execute a callback when the application is 'synchronized' |
depends on | defect | 0030629 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: The amounts of the receipt are calculated when they should not |
depends on | defect | 0030630 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: Images should not be saved in the c_order table of the local database |
depends on | defect | 0030631 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: Mixed synchronous and asyncrhonous logic related to quotations when the order is closed |
depends on | defect | 0030632 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: The retail.posterminal window is interactive before the models have been fully loaded |
depends on | design defect | 0030611 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: The cash management window is interactive before the Model has been fully loaded |
depends on | defect | 0030633 | RR15Q4 | closed | Orekaria | Stabilization: The cashup window is interactive before the models have been fully loaded |
depends on | defect | 0030635 | | new | Retail | Automation: The 'GoodMovementstest' test is failing |
depends on | defect | 0030485 | | closed | mtaal | Lots of errors in log during tomcat shutdown related to new import entry project |
Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed. |