Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0030570Openbravo ERPI. Performancepublic2015-08-13 12:062015-08-31 13:28
20Community Appliance
Google Chrome
0030570: the "add details" button in payment window is generating performance problems
with a big amount data, sometimes, in the "payment in" window, when "add details" button is clicked, the system performance problems are generated, and after some minutes, the tomcat is down, and it is not possible to access to the application

When it occurs, the query in execution is:

select array_to_string(array_agg(fin_paymen0_.FIN_Payment_Scheduledetail_ID), ',') as col_0_0_, array_to_string(array_agg(order2_.DocumentNo), ',') as col_1_0_, case when invoice7_.IsSOTrx='N' and (organizati12_.AD_Org_ID is not null) and (organizati12_.EM (...)
.create several payments
related to defect 0028854 closed umartirena The add details pick&Execute takes long to show data with a big amount of data 
has duplicate defect 0030612 closed Triage Omni OMS The addDetails popup does not respond after several seachs on grid with big amout of data. 
Issue History
2015-08-13 12:06malsasuaNew Issue
2015-08-13 12:06malsasuaAssigned To => platform
2015-08-13 12:06malsasuaWeb browser => Google Chrome
2015-08-13 12:06malsasuaModules => Core
2015-08-13 12:06malsasuaResolution time => 1439589600
2015-08-13 12:06malsasuaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2015-08-13 12:08malsasuaTag Attached: Performance
2015-08-13 12:09malsasuaRelationship addedrelated to 0028854
2015-08-14 09:20alostaleAssigned Toplatform => Triage Finance
2015-08-14 09:55malsasuaWeb browserGoogle Chrome => Google Chrome
2015-08-14 09:55malsasuaSeveritymajor => critical
2015-08-20 13:09dmiguelezAssigned ToTriage Finance => dmiguelez
2015-08-20 13:09dmiguelezStatusnew => acknowledged
2015-08-26 08:00malsasuaWeb browserGoogle Chrome => Google Chrome
2015-08-26 08:00malsasuaSeveritycritical => minor
2015-08-31 12:45dmiguelezNote Added: 0079829
2015-08-31 13:28malsasuaWeb browserGoogle Chrome => Google Chrome
2015-08-31 13:28malsasuaResolution time1439589600 =>
2015-09-29 13:33vmromanosRelationship addedhas duplicate 0030612

2015-08-31 12:45   
In order to help the Customer with this problem, we used the Grid Configuration at Window Level.

We configured this Grid to be Lazy loaded, meaning that the data will not load until the user filters the Grid properly (by Invoice No. for example) and asks for the data.

With so many data to be shown, the user was forced to filter the Grid always, so no functionality was lost with this fix.