Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0030157Openbravo ERP09. Financial managementpublic2015-06-11 14:132018-10-05 10:18
Triage Omni OMS 
normalminorhave not tried
0030157: One or two payment details when paying an invoice when invoice's amount is higher that order's amount
Depending on the way you create an invoice from an order where the invoice's amount is higher that order's amount, the system creates 1 or 2 payment details when paying the invoice.

If the quantity is the same, but the invoice's unit price is lower, the system creates 2 payment details.
If the quantity is lower, but the invoice's unit price is the same, the system creates 1 payment detail.

Note that the payment detail amounts are OK in both scenarios, however I think the system should behave the same way regardless the flow
Create a Sales Order:
  BP: Alimentos y supermercados
  Invoice Terms: Immediate
Create 1 line:
  Qty: 10
  Product: Agua sin gas
  Price: 1.53
Book the order

Create a Sales Invoice:
  BP: Alimentos y supermercados
Press Create Lines From and select the 2 lines from the previous order
Go to Lines tab, and edit the agua sin gas line. Change qty to 5
Complete the invoice.
Add a new payment for the full amount.
Go the Payment and verify we have 1 payment detail


Create a Sales Order:
  BP: Alimentos y supermercados
  Invoice Terms: Immediate
Create 1 line:
  Qty: 10
  Product: Agua sin gas
  Price: 1.53
Book the order

Create a Sales Invoice:
  BP: Alimentos y supermercados
Press Create Lines From and select the 2 lines from the previous order
Go to Lines tab, and edit the agua sin gas line. Change the unit price to 1
Complete the invoice.
Add a new payment for the full amount.
Go the Payment and verify we have 2 payment details
Study if this behavior makes sense.
Ideally two flows should create the same result
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Issue History
2015-06-11 14:13vmromanosNew Issue
2015-06-11 14:13vmromanosAssigned To => Triage Finance
2015-06-11 14:13vmromanosModules => Core
2015-06-11 14:13vmromanosTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2015-06-11 14:14vmromanosDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=8819#r8819
2015-06-11 14:14vmromanosSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=8821#r8821
2015-06-11 14:15vmromanosDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=8822#r8822
2015-06-11 14:16psanjuanNote Added: 0078208
2015-09-28 11:20vmromanosTarget Version3.0PR15Q4 =>
2018-10-05 10:18ngarciaIssue Monitored: ngarcia

2015-06-11 14:16   
Ideally only one payment details line should be created