Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0029977Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2015-05-22 11:192022-02-01 08:09
Triage Platform Base 
0029977: ClientAbortException with multiple overlapped print request to PrintController in the same session
When performing multiple overlapped print request in the same session, a ClientAbortException can be raised in the log, making some print request not returning the result. This is happening because the PrintController class is not thread-safe.

In this case, the following error appears in the log: ClientAbortException: Broken pipe

This problem only happens when the requests are done in the same session.
1) Go to the [Purchase Invoice] window
2) Select 10 records and print them
3) Without waiting to obtain the report, click on any record and print it
4) The printing requested in 3) finishes first, and the resulting report is returned correctly.
5) The request done in 2) does not finishes correctly, throws the error in the log and the report is not sent to the client.
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Issue History
2015-05-22 11:19caristuNew Issue
2015-05-22 11:19caristuAssigned To => platform
2015-05-22 11:19caristuModules => Core
2015-05-22 11:19caristuTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2015-05-22 11:26caristuDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=8638#r8638
2015-05-22 11:26caristuDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=8639#r8639
2015-05-22 12:00caristuIssue Monitored: networkb
2015-05-22 12:00caristuSummaryClientAbortException with multiple overlapped print request in the same session => ClientAbortException with multiple overlapped print request to PrintController in the same session
2022-02-01 08:09alostaleAssigned Toplatform => Triage Platform Base

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