Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0029725Retail ModulesDiscounts and Promotionspublic2015-04-28 18:152015-04-28 18:15
normalminorhave not tried
0029725: "Undo" button removes only one product of a pack
When I add a regular product, the "Undo" button removes it from the receipt. But if I've added a pack, the button only removes one of the products.
Precondition: A pack of two or more products should exist

1. Login into webPOS as vallblanca user
2. Go to Browse tab and add a single product
3. Go to Scan tab and click Undo button. Check that the added product has been removed from the receipt.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 but select a pack instead of a single product. Check that only one of the products is removed.
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Issue History
2015-04-28 18:15plujanNew Issue
2015-04-28 18:15plujanAssigned To => Retail
2015-04-28 18:15plujanTriggers an Emergency Pack => No

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