Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0029624Retail ModulesMulti order paymentpublic2015-04-17 13:072015-04-24 14:33
0029624: To do a card overpayment while using "Pay open tickets" feature shows an incorrect value of the overpayment quantity
Overpayment quantity shown is always "%0" (see attached image) while doing a card overpayment using "Pay open tickets" feature.

[Same behaviour with voucher instead of card]
Login to POS terminal, go to the login URL:

http://{server}/{context}/web/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal/?terminal=VBS-1 [^]

Enter login credentials:
"Username": vallblanca
"Password": openbravo
The POS window will appear.
 To add product click “Browse” button
 Then select “Backpacks & Travel” category
 And from the product list select
Product: Alpine skiing backpack 27 L
Quantity: 5

Click "Pay open tickets" dropdown menu option.
Select that receipt and click "Done"

Tap on the Total Amount

Then select “Card” Payment method if it is not selected already

Then from WEB POS keypad, enter amount as 750.00 and press enter key. There will be an overpayment

To complete the receipt, tap on the “Done” button
Defect: Check the shown message is incorrect.

[Testlink test case: [^]]
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related to defect 0024411 closed Retail [MULTI] Overpayment amount wrongly considered as Paid amount, when the receipt is paid through multi order payment process 
png InaccuratePercent.png (134,276) 2015-04-17 13:07
Issue History
2015-04-17 13:07lorenzofidalgoNew Issue
2015-04-17 13:07lorenzofidalgoAssigned To => Retail
2015-04-17 13:07lorenzofidalgoFile Added: InaccuratePercent.png
2015-04-17 13:07lorenzofidalgoTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2015-04-17 13:10lorenzofidalgoRelationship addedrelated to 0024411
2015-04-17 13:21lorenzofidalgoDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=8293#r8293
2015-04-24 14:33lorenzofidalgoSummaryTo do an card overpayment while using "Pay open tickets" feature shows an incorrect value of the overpayment quantity => To do a card overpayment while using "Pay open tickets" feature shows an incorrect value of the overpayment quantity

There are no notes attached to this issue.