Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0029592Retail ModulesGift cards and gift voucherspublic2015-04-15 12:422015-04-15 12:42
normalminorhave not tried
0029592: [RR15Q2] Paying a receipt using Gift card results in a Cash up's rounding error
I've paid a receipt using Gift cards. Price list includes taxes. Total amount of the receipt was zero, but the cash up report shows a 0.01 sale.
1. Log in as Vallblanca user
2. Create two gif cards ID 111 and 222 for 100€ each.
3. Run a Cash Up process to clean up the sales and cash on the terminal.
4. Create a new receipt. Change the customer to John Carter. This customer's price list includes taxes.
5. Add an alpine backpack 27l. Check that total amount is 109.90
6. Click the total amount to pay it.
7. Select Gift Card as payment method
8. Click the tick next to the amount to pay
9. Enter 111 as ID. A 100€ discount is added to the receipt. 9.90 remain
10. Select Gift Card as payment method
11. Click the tick next to the amount to pay
12. Enter 222 as ID. 9.90€ are added and the receipt finish as a zero receipt (no payment needed).
13. Finish the receipt
14. Launch the Cash Up process. Check that Net Sales contains a 0.01 value. See attached image.
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png CashUpRoundingError.png (34,376) 2015-04-15 12:42
Issue History
2015-04-15 12:42plujanNew Issue
2015-04-15 12:42plujanAssigned To => Retail
2015-04-15 12:42plujanFile Added: CashUpRoundingError.png
2015-04-15 12:42plujanTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2015-04-15 12:42plujanSummaryPaying a receipt using Gift card results in a Cash up's rounding error => [RR15Q2] Paying a receipt using Gift card results in a Cash up's rounding error

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