Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0029489Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2015-04-01 11:162015-04-01 11:16
0029489: The terminal should indicate if there are orders not syncrhonized, or incorrectly syncrhonized
When you are working offline the orders are not synchronized but when you go back to online all orders are synchronized.

There should be a mechanism indicating that all have been synchronized and that nothing is pending.

Apart of that if when synchronizing the orders are not loaded and are saved on errors while importing window, the terminal should indicate that situation.

-Login on the terminal and swith of the internet connnection to go offline
-Create a ticket
*See that you don't know if there are tickets pending to be syncrhonized.
-Go back online and see that a message saying that is synchronizing is shown but after that you don't know if you have things pending or not.
-If you create a ticket for a partner that has not currency defined the ticket is saved on errors while importing window.
*A flag on the terminal should indicate that the ticket has not been properly synchronized.

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Issue History
2015-04-01 11:16egoitzNew Issue
2015-04-01 11:16egoitzAssigned To => Retail
2015-04-01 11:16egoitzTriggers an Emergency Pack => No

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