Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0029404Openbravo ERP04. Warehouse managementpublic2015-03-25 13:152015-08-04 12:54
closedno change required 
0029404: Not possible to calculate the cost of a return if the product was changed to stocked after the shipment was completed
Not possible to calculate the cost of a return if the product was changed to stocked after the shipment was completed. It happens also if the product type is changed to Item
As group admin role:
   Create a product and set it as Stocked = 'N'
   Add a cost to it.
   Create a goods shipment for that product
   Change the definition of the product to Stocked = 'Y'
   Create a Return From Customer for that shipment
   Create the associated Return Material Receipt
   Launch the costing background process and check it finishes with the following error message:
"No returned receipt/shipment found for transaction Transaction: 25-03-2015 - C- - NotStockedToStocked - 5"
   Leaving the stock to 0 and setting the product as Stocked = 'N' is the only option to run the costing background process again
No tags attached.
depends on defect 0025930 closed aferraz It should not be possible to change the product definition 
Issue History
2015-03-25 13:15ngarciaNew Issue
2015-03-25 13:15ngarciaAssigned To => Sandrahuguet
2015-03-25 13:15ngarciaModules => Core
2015-03-25 13:15ngarciaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2015-03-25 13:16ngarciaIssue Monitored: networkb
2015-03-25 13:16ngarciaRelationship addedrelated to 0025930
2015-04-14 12:48Triage FinanceAssigned ToSandrahuguet => Triage Finance
2015-07-07 15:09ngarciaDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=8999#r8999
2015-07-07 15:10ngarciaResolution time => 1439762400
2015-07-07 18:09ngarciaResolution time1439762400 => 1436392800
2015-07-07 18:09ngarciaPriorityurgent => immediate
2015-07-13 13:17aferrazAssigned ToTriage Finance => aferraz
2015-07-13 20:00aferrazSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=9009#r9009
2015-07-13 20:20aferrazNote Added: 0078780
2015-07-13 20:20aferrazStatusnew => scheduled
2015-07-17 11:10aferrazRelationship deletedrelated to 0025930
2015-07-17 11:11aferrazRelationship addeddepends on 0025930
2015-07-17 11:12aferrazNote Edited: 0078780bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0078780#r9058
2015-08-04 12:54vmromanosReview Assigned To => vmromanos
2015-08-04 12:54vmromanosNote Added: 0079183
2015-08-04 12:54vmromanosStatusscheduled => closed
2015-08-04 12:54vmromanosResolutionopen => no change required

2015-07-13 20:20   
(edited on: 2015-07-17 11:12)
Test plan:

As QA Admin:
   Create a product and set it as Stocked = 'N'
   Add a cost to it.
   Create a goods shipment for that product
   Try to change the definition of the product to Stocked = 'Y'
   Realize you get an error.

2015-08-04 12:54   
Fixing 0025930 makes this issue not reproducible anymore